Updated Playlist

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Once again i am really sorry for not updating anything on here, my internet likes to mess up alot and my family has been getting ready for my older sister's baby shower on the 4th of july.

I've been trying to get myself to listen to this playlist in my sleep but anxiety has been getting the best of me. Mostly because the last times I've listened in my sleep i wpuld either immediately wake up feeling like i couldn't breath or I'd wake up to myself laying on my phone and crushing my earbuds.
This time though i WILL try to listen in my sleep, it's still kinda the only time i can do it.

Anyway here it is-

1- basically the reason why the playlist has that title, it has affirmations to repeat the subs in my head and has anti clashing
2- this might help me get my abilities faster
4- You knyow cause, cat.
5- the concept for this one is just really cool

6- i need to be in touch with my demon side
7- I love Nogitsunes and darkness
8- I'm still at a low weight for my age, my goal is 98 pounds and right nyow I'm stuck at 83.
9- I got back into Avatar
10- I watched the 1st and 2nd season of Kipo on netflex and regained my love for jaguars that i had in elementary school

11- it'll help me get faster reflexes
12- Extra training

This is just for nyow, a subliminal maker i know was going to make a gendershifting sub but I'm nyot sure when that'll be.

Nyow for some stuff that has happened recently.
A little while back i walked into the front room to see my mother talking to one of my older sisters and her friend about dating and other things, then she turned to me and asked if I'd marry a male or female partner. I of course said female, which she actually seemed to be fine with. A few minutes later she put her hand on my shoulder and told me nyot to get married til i was 18. (I'm kinda glad she doesn't knyow about Luna yet)

But heres one thing, she doesn't mind thinking of me with a female partner, but I'm pretty sure she dislikes the concept of people with different genders than what they were born with. I've been wanting so badly to tell her about being genderfluid, but I'm affraid she'd say it's just a phase or something.

And on a kinda related nyote, the Warriors community got a transphobic writer off of Erin Hunter's name! We literally got them fired in a nyight! I call that a success. 👍

I'm kinda running out of things to say so, I'll probably post a progress update hopefully soon!


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