6. the book.

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Y/n pov.

Me and Max run to Dani and Alison and walk back wards through the hall.

Alison and Dani join us making me feel like were missing someone.

"Binx where are you? BINX!" i yell over the music desperatly.

Then we see Billy behind us. We scream and all duck before running away.

"BINX!" i scream. Then i feel a presence on my shoulder.

"Dont worry. Im here" he says making me smile.

"You gotta stop running away! Its giving me anxiety" i tease while running through the hall with a gently hand on his back incase he falls.

"Mom, dad! Thank god!" Max says when we find his parents.

"Hey max, great show!"

"Cover your ears!" We all yell as i cover binx's ears for him.

Then we see Billy again. I punch him in the face making him fall back giving us more time to run.

We run through the crowd while Binx nuzzles his body back into my hood.

We run down the street into a nearby allyway.

When we get there Max starts kicking a trashcan.

"Yo! Calm down sweetfeet!" I say making him stop.

"This is really bad!" He complains.

"Hey! Calm down!" Alison says.

"Look! I want you to take Dani and y/n back to your house! And dont let her out of your sight!" He yells.

"Max im not leaving you!" Dani argues.

We all duck when the backdoor to a restraunt swings open.

"Okay guys, who's going to the jacuzzi? Yeah! Angelo! Your bad" a guy dressed as a pirate says taking a lobster.

"Uh oh!" I say when i see the shadow of the witches.

Binx slowly climbs out my hood and onto my shoulder. He licks my cheek and i watch his tail wag softly.

When the witches leave we hear the sound of metal dropping. We turn to see alison had accidentally opened an old oven
"I have an idea!"

We end up at the highschool! Great

Me and Max sit in the principles office with the speeker.

"Howl into it" he says pointing the speeker at me.

"Why me?"

"Because they think your a werewolf" he says in a 'duh' tone.

I nod and take the microphone in my hands and let out the most realistic howl possible.

When i stop Max is sitting there stunned.


"Nothing. It just sounded like a real wolf!"

"Welcome, to the highschool hell! Im your host 'borris carlock jr.' Hahaha!!! Its time to meet your 3 contestant's.
Sarah!mary!and Winifred sanderson!" He cakles through the mic.

We run down to ths frezer and shove the huge door closed after getting the 3 sisters inside.

We set the Furness of fire making them burn!

We all dance around outside. We run down the streets laughing and squealing.

We make it to Max's house before i say "i should probarly go" i say fixing my ears once again.

"You cant!" Alison yells.

"Alison! I have to."

"I wont let you" she says stubbornly.

"Whats wrong?" Max asks.

"Its nothing!" I say annoyed.

"If your getting so annoyed over it it must be something!"

"Y/ns pa-"

"Alison! Dont!"

"No! Tell us!" Max begs.

"Y/n's parents dont exactly like the fact that she wears ears and a tail. They lock her in her room and pretend she dosent exist" she says spilling all the beans.

"Is that true?" Max asks.

"Wolfie! Is that true?" He repeats but uses m nickname.


"Your staying at mine tonight. You all are!" He says grabbing my hand and taking me to the door.

"What about Binx? I dont wanna leave him!" I say saddly.

"Come on Binx! Lets go home!" Dani squeals.

"Home?" He asks.

Me and Max look at each other with a smile and say "home!" In sync.

As we walk into Max's house he start calling out his parents name but gets no reply.

Binx is drinking some milk while Dani pets him.

"Your my kitty now. Youll have milk and tuna fish everyday! And youll only hunt mice for fun." Dani says happily.

"Your going to turn me into one of those fat, useless contented house cats" he complains.

"You bet ya!" She says with a laugh.

Im sitting on the floor and smile when Alison and Max look at eachother with that twinkle.

Alison lays ontop of Max making me squeal.

"What?" They ask in unison.

"You guys are just really cute together!"

Im getting a bit jelouse if im honest, not of Max and Alison. Of Dani and Binx!

They're cuddling and its making my stomach feel all fuzzy.

I start to fall asleep on the floor dreaming of Binx.

When i wake up im being pulled into a closet.

"B-binx? BINX! MA-" i start but get cut off my a hand over my mouth.

I kick and punch but can't get free.

I can hear max yelling out Dani's name but gets no responce.

I hear a scream then the doors to the closet im in open revealing max and Alison.

They scream when they see me,  Dani and Binx in the witches clutches. I let out a muffled scream.

"Looking for this!" Winny says holding the book.

"Or this?" Binx "or this?" Dani " or THIS? The little werwolf" me.

Winny zaps Max with the bood making him fall over his drum kit. They drop me onto the floor before giving me an extra long zap leaving me half awake.

Alison forms a ring of salt around us while me and max grioan in unison.

Alison helps max up while i cough up my lungs.

"Are you guys okay?" She asks. I let out one last final cough this time with thick red blood.

"Oh s-shit!" I stutter out.

"Your gonna be alright. I promise" max says with a smile.

I nod and stand up.


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