Chapter 6

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What could this note mean? I stared at it. Hmmm I guess

"It is worse out side, stay here! Pain, Suffering is happing...

They said Hera is not to be trusted.... I scratched out that note.

Βγείτε από το ξύπνημα! UP Υιός είστε δυνατοί, παρακαλώ κρατήστε τα πνεύματα σας ψηλά!

I don't that much Greek? But I am sure it says

"GET OUT WAKE UP! Son you are ????, Please Keep your sprits high!
-Apollo" Wait is that S-St-on—t no Stron-g STRONG! I am kinda wishing I listened more when Mama Bear tried to teach me Greek... But I will stay strong for My family and My real dad!

"Ώστιν, πιθανώς ένα ενδιαφέρον αγάπης εκτός από τον Μπρι ... Ξυπνήστε! Εσείς ελέγχετε από το τσεκούρι!

"Austin, you potentially have another lave love interest other than Bri....Waks Wake up! You are being Controlled by the Axe!" Huh!? You mean the axe I saw K-kill everyone I loved... N-no Michael! Ritchie! B-Bri!

Why would you want to go out? Everything is the same here less pain happens here~
         - Atê

Atê is not to be trusted! As said so before...

How to get out-

1. Realize how everything is odd
2. Watch the word crumble and turn black.
3. Keep this paper you will see your self doin$ bad things
4. Stay strong

        - Love,
     Apollo & Aphrodite
P.S don't trust Atê or Hera"

"W-what" Before I leave I must see my family again! "Michael! Ritchie! Bri!" I ran to Michael's room and hugged him. Michael seemed different. Michael hugged me. "M-Michael what's going on? Aren't you supposed to hate me?" "Austin, I am not the same Michael made up in your mind. I am the real Michael.... Me and Ritchie are ghosts. I felt Ritchie hug me as well "Austin, I promise you you will be free eventually! We just want you to know we love you and you matter!" "Please stay strong...." as soon as Michael said that the world was crumbling around me and everything went black I hugged that page close to my heart. Before Michael and Ritchie said they had to go they both gave me blood pendants like the ones Bri used to make.... Ritchie gave me a Orange and Michael gave me a purple. I sat there in the darkness...

Cassie's POV

I breathed in I breathed out. I ran to where my sister was last seen before dying. I sat there thinking that this is not real. Until the world slowly getting more and more black before cracking. I then saw my sister and started crying. "I thought you were dead" "I am I came here to tell you to stay strong and here take this..." My sister gave me a Emerald necklace that I recognized. "Thank you!" Before I knew it the time was up and I fell into the black abyss....

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Have a Amazing, Wonderful, Magical Day/Night/Afternoon/ Sunrise/ Sunset! :3 Till next time!
- Your pal WhyCallMeKate
P.S Keep up the good work! You are all Beautiful in your own way! I procrastinate so you don't have to! Remember to check out Clarkeclarke2007  This whole story Is a Collab!
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Today is July 3 that means it's my birthday!

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