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In the Crystal Empire a new filly was born. Her name is Oceansurf. A beautiful earth pony with a golden coat, and a beautiful blue mane with waves. Cadence anonced the arrival of the filly. Everyone in the kingdom said to have a party for the new filly, so she invited all of the princesses, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. They all came and had an amazing time at the party. Celestia said they should get together sometime soon. after all the princesses went home, Cadence and Shining Armour went to bed with Oceansurf. At dawns first light they awoke to find Oceansurf was gone! The rushed to Canterlot and told Celestia, Luna, and Twilight the bad news. They all gasped and thought of who would do such a thing. The only pony they could think of was Skyler. Skyler was a very bad unicorn that lives in the north mountains. "She must have snuck in past the guards last night while we were asleep, then graped Oceansurf, and left the castle." said Princess Cadence. "That's not good at all." Said Princess Twilight "We have to find her." After the meeting they set off to find Oceansurf.
I'll be sure to update at least every day or two. Hope you enjoy this book! Happy Reading!😀

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