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• Still Andy's P.O.V •

I stopped and heard a growl coming from my right. It was a rogue and he was headed here fast. I turned left and ran, but unfortunately, luck isn't always on my side...

I tripped, from a branch that had fallen off a tree, and fell.

I heard the rogue right behind me as I turned around and saw him ready to pounce at me.

As soon as he jumped up to get on top of me but before he could, a black wolf came running from the right and attacked the rogue.

Then I scented him. Rye. The black wolf is Rye.

A few minutes passed of them fighting until Rye, who was severely injured, cut the rogues throat out and then turned into his human self.

Rye coughed blood and I ran up to him, turning into my human self.

He had a huge scar on his chest and cheek and was bruised all around.

Tears made their way to my eyes and started flowing down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I cried.

"It's f-fine." He managed to say.

I put my right hand on his bruised cheek with the huge cut as my tears fell on him.

I removed my hand from his cheek and I was surprised to say the least. The cut had disappeared. It had healed. Was it me who did this?

Rye started coughing again and I hurriedly put my hand on the cut which was on his chest.

"Stop. Y-you're giving m-me a-all the energy you h-have left...you're g-gonna die." He breathed out.

"I don't care. You're family needs you." I said and kept healing him. It was almost done but I suddenly started feeling dizzy.

But I didn't stop. I kept going. Kept healing. Kept dying.

● 3 weeks later ●

"So he doesn't know that you're here?" He asked as the maids brought a glass of cold water for me.

I shook my head no, "I ran away."

"So he won't suspect that you came here?" he asked again.

"I don't think he knows that I have a cousin." I replied.

"But what about his parents?"

"Not sure." I said, "Why are you so worried anyways, Harvey?"

"No specific reason." He replied, "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. After all, you are my little brother. I'm really sorry to what happened. With you're parents and all."

"It's not your fault."

"Why d'you run away though?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to. You're the only family left and if Harper wakes up, Brook with tell me."

"Won't they be mad?" He asked....again...

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Harvey was about to say something when I got a notification on my phone.

It was Brooklyn.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brook: Hey.

Me: Hey.

Brook: Alpha Ryan I looking everywhere for you.

Me: Why though? Why does he care?

Brook: Maybe 'cause he likes you? 🤷🏼‍♂️

My Beautiful Omega➡️Randy❤Where stories live. Discover now