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• Andy's P.O.V •

It was the tenth of August today. The day he died.

I picked up another orchid that was lying on the stone path.

I now had a whole bouquets of orchids. I read somewhere that orchids represent 'I miss you'.

I finally made it to the Royal Cemetary that was located behind the Bristol Kingdom Castle. It was basically in the garden but one had to walk on a very long stone path to reach there.

I sniffled as I picked up another orchid from the ground.

I finally made it to the cemetary. I opened the small metal fence gate and walked inside, walking to his grave.

I got on my knees and placed the flowers on his grave.

Tears made their way down my cheeks as I heard footsteps approaching

I then heard the creeking of the metal fence gate.

"I knew you'd be here," He mumbled, knowing that I heard. Then sat down next to me.

"Why Ryan?" I asked, turning my neck to look at my husband.

He sighed, "He's in a better place now, Baby," He said, engulfing me in his arms.

I looked up at the gravestone.

Aiden Beaumont. My three year old son who died due to an undiagnosed disease.

A lot of things happened after Rye got shot with an arrow.

Yes, he woke up and so did Harper. A year after, Me and Rye got married. A few months into our marrige, we found out that I was pregnant. We then had our first son, Aiden Beaumont. Three years later, he passed away.

So technically, it had been over two years he passed away.

After his death, I emotionally broke down. It took me over a year to get over the fact that he was never coming back. Rye tried his best to stay strong for us and the Kingdom but I knew it was hurting him too much to admit.

Now, a few weeks back, I found out that I was pregnant again.

Rye cupped both my cheeks and wiped my tears away with his thumbs.

"Baby, don't cry," He whipered, leaning his head against mine, "Now come on, we have some things to take care of before I hand the Kingdom to the twins."

The thing was, the twins were going to be taking over for Rye for a year. Now that the twins were nineteen years old and the fact that I was pregnant.

Rye would be there with them the whole time of course, but be MIA is a lot of stuff.

I nodded as he got up and reached his hand out for me to take.

I took it and he puled me up without any effort.

We walked back to the castle, hand in hand and deep in thought.

I looked around, a few months till Halloween, Aiden's favorite holiday.

I sighed and looked up at Rye.

"So, what do we have to take care of?" I asked, looking back ahead,

"Just some meeting stuff."

I hummed in response, knowing what he was doing.

Apparently, I haven't been eating properly according Rye. And my mum, and Brooklyn and- Okay... maybe I haven't been eating on time, but I have too been eating!

My Beautiful Omega➡️Randy❤Where stories live. Discover now