41| lonesome visitor

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Grace was standing there, just watching me as I watched her.

The longer we stood there, the more her face became less fierce and more unsure, more guilty.

I wanted to look away and make her leave, not wanting to have to face the betrayal that was thick in my throat anytime I looked at her.

Yes, things were alright now but her choices could've led to a much different outcome.

When I didn't speak, my father pushed past everyone and narrowed in on the girl.

Almost instantly, her eyes narrowed and the soft look on her completely vanished, stubborn strength coming out of her.

"You are not welcome here," my father growled, "Leave and don't come back, I'm warning you."

She didn't make moves to leave though or even back down. If anything at his fatherly words, she straightened her back and narrowed her eyes further whilst crossing her arms in front of her chest, showing that she was not going to leave until she talked to me.

My father was about to drag her out but before he could, I told him, "Stop, wait a minute."

He froze and then looked back at me, confusion in his gaze. He didn't understand why I hadn't let him take her away but I did.

Seeing her here was like a punch to the gut, an unwanted memory and I did want her gone.

But I knew that deep inside of me, if I truly wanted to move on with my life, then I had to face this one last obstacle. I wanted it all in the past. I needed closure.

Plus, there was a bone deep thirst inside of me to find out why she had done what she had. She had been one of my closest friends and although she was related on my mother's side, I hadn't known that she had been that close to Mathew.

I took a step towards her and her face brightened for a second but I couldn't get a grasp on her emotions. Grace had always seemed like an open book to me but I guess I was wrong. She was only putting on display what she wanted to show me.

As I took another step to the near catalyst of my death, Dorran grabbed my arm and I shot him a look.

He looked wary and I know he was only trying to protect me but I really could protect myself and I needed this done.

When I told him with my eyes that this was necessary and I wouldn't stop until I had talked to her, after a moment of hesitation, he let my arm go and oh how grateful I was.

This was what I liked about Dorran.

He was protective but he knew that I could protect myself too and he let me do that. He knew I was strong enough to deal with it.

I sent him a quick smile and without seeing his reaction, I walked to Grace and grabbed her arm harshly and pulled her around the house to the back garden where we were away from prying eyes.

When we got there and I let her go, I moved to lean against one of the ancient trees my father had in his huge garden. It felt safe and comforting, giving me the strength I needed for this conversation.

Despite Grace appearing strong before, now all she looked was uncertain as if she could not believe that I had agreed to this.

"So, are you going to speak or what?" I asked her, boredom lacing my words, not being able to bear the silence anymore.

She had come to speak; I had come to listen and then that was that. We'd go our separate ways and we would never see each other again.

"I didn't expect you to agree to this but I hoped, you see, ah," she started but her fumbled words did nothing but grate on my nerves.

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