Chapter Twelve.

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Tyler was restless, as usual. This night, going to bed with Nico hadn't helped. There wasn't much worrying him, he just couldn't sleep. After trying for two hours, in Nico's arms, he gave up and went downstairs to drink something.

It made him think of all that happened in the day. Nico and him were now a... thing. An exclusive thing. Basically, they were dating now... right?

Of course, he wasn't so sure now, at 3 AM when he couldn't sleep. He wasn't sure if he should panick or if he should just stop thinking about it.

He needed his best friend Finn for this. He had been staring at the phone for an hour, thinking if he could call him. Last time they talked, Tyler ended up feeling a thousand times worse. But he needed advice. It had been long since he dated someone, and he had never dated the person he lived with, or his boss, or an older man. Nico was twenty-nine, and Tyler was twenty-two. It made him a little nervous thinking that he was much experienced than him.

Nico had probably been with much experienced people. Tyler wasn't experienced, exactly.

That was freaking him out: Nico probably had sex with a lot of people, a lot of men. Tyler hadn't. He wasn't a virgin, but he never had sex with another man. He had done stuff, but he had never been fucked. He was nervous to tell Nico that. How would he react? Would he still want him?

Now the old doubts were gone, but new ones appeared. He had a problem.

He looked at the phone.

He missed Finn. He didn't want to lose him. He had been his best friend for so long, that losing him seemed impossible. He wasn't ready to accept it.

He called him.

Finn picked up. They stayed both in silence for a moment.

"Hey," Finn finally said.

"Hi." Tyler whispered.

"Why are you calling me at 3 AM?"

Tyler stayed in silence, thinking, before answering.

"I don't know." He sighed. "I need you. I miss you."

Finn didn't respond right away. Tyler didn't know what that meant.

"Is everything all right?"

No, he wanted to tell him. No, because you are my best friend and you don't want to be anymore. You are breaking my heart. And I'm freaking out because I've never been fucked.

He hung up. He didn't know why he had called Finn, but that little talk had finally tired him out. He went upstairs and to bed with Nico.


Waking up with Tyler in his arms made Nico be in a good mood.

The boy was snuggled up in his chest, and he looked extremly beautiful. He let him sleep a few minutes more and then woke him up.

"Hey, sleepyhead." He said, shaking his shoulder softly. Tyler groaned and hugged him closer. Nico's heart almost exploted from cuteness. "Wake up."

Tyler mumbled something incoherent and tried to hide his face in Nico's chest.

"Wake up, sweetheart."

Now Tyler's eyes opened and he blushed.

"Sweetheart?" He whispered, looking up at him.

Nico smiled. "Good morning."

"I..." Tyler blinked and sat up. "Is it late?"

"You can't be late." Nico chuckled. "I'm your boss."

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