Chapter Seventeen.

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A/N: I'm so sorry for taking this long to update.


Tyler sighed at the long waiting line in the coffee shop, but went over to it to wait anyways. Nico was really tired and Tyler was going to get him coffee and something to eat.

They had arrived to the office early and were in for a long day, and Tyler was truly worried about Nico. The last few days, he was just... off. He had asked him if he was okay, and Nico said that yes, yes, I'm okay, I'm just tired, and Tyler believed him less everytime. But he couldn't force him to tell him whatever was upsetting him.

It annoyed him, though. It was unfair to Nico to think this, and Tyler knew it, but he had told him almost everything. It wasn't like he expected something in return. No, it wasn't that. He had told Nico his problems because he wanted to. But, didn't Nico know he could trust him? After everything?

Their relationship was just starting. Tyler knew that. But they had gone through stuff. Tyler had gone through a lot of shit and Nico had been there. They knew each other.

So it bugged him: why couldn't Nico trust him?

It was like there was always something haunting him, a little thing that didn't seem right, always something there in the side of his head questioning everything about his relationship with Nico and he didn't know what to do about it. He tried to ignore it, but sometimes it was right. It gave him anxiety.

This didn't mean he didn't like everything that was happening with Nico, that he didn't like Nico, because he loved how things were going. But there was something missing. Something bugging.

He was pulled away from his thoughts when he felt someone behind him way too close for his comodity. He tried to move a little foward but couldn't, since he would be invading the personal space of the woman that was in front of him in the line. Just like the person behind him was invading-

"Tyler, shouldn't you be up in the office?" A voice said behind him and he jumped and turned away.

In front of him was Gabriel, Nico's friend. Of course. The universe hated him, so of course he'd go at the coffee shop at the same time that Gabriel.

"I'm getting coffee for Nico." He said, and he hated how small his voice sounded.

He didn't know why exactly, but this man made him feel so uncomfortable. He knew Eddie didn't like him either, but that was because he was jelaous that Nico looked up to Gabriel. Why did Nico looked up to Gabriel, though? He was just so much better than him.

"Oh," Gabriel said, a ugly smile on his face. "How are things going between you two?"

"What do you mean?" He didn't know if Gabriel was supposed to know Nico and him were... dating? Whatever they were. As far as he knew, Nico didn't want everyone in the company knowing. It made sense. Tyler didn't want them to know either. After all, Nico was still his boss.

"Aren't you two a thing?"

Tyler decided to play dumb.

"I'm his assistaint and he's my boss, sir. If that's what you mean."

"Huh, so you gonna be like that." Gabriel said, lowly. "You know, Nico was never very good at dating. Me, on the other hand-"

"Next?" The girl behind the counter asked. Tyler spun around and was relieved to see he wad next. He didn't bother on saying anything else to Gabriel and approached the counter.

"You okay, buddy?" The girl asked. She had dyed-blonde hair and green eyes. She was really pretty, and looked actually concerned about him.

"Y-yeah," He said. Gabriel's words were repeating in his head. He wanted to go away and hide behind Nico and be safe.

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