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I don't think I will do 'backstories' unless they are needed. My class read an article that that Susy Clemens wrote about her father, Mark Twian.

Please help me.

Susy Clemens wrote a biography about her father, which was titled "My Papa Mark Twain". It was written in the first person perspective; And to add to a further extent, Susy Clemens' perspective. We also get to see a different side of Twain, rather than seeing him through celebrity events nor through his writings, but through his eldest daughter, who was a mere 9 year old at the time that the passage was written. In this passage, she views, and talks about him in a different manner than most people would, which shows her overall perspective of her father, which is a loving, caring gratitude towards her father.
At the beginning of the passage, Susy starts by viewing his looks. She starts describing how his hair is a beautiful silver color, which is not too thick, nor too long. She goes on to more physical appearances towards him, and says he is practically perfect — except for his teeth. However, what would be other people's perspective of his physical appearance? For example, others may believe that he is not as perfect, and most likely not knowing what his teeth would look like, nor care. People may also not know what he had looked like if they had never seen an image, but of which, is less likely. To sum up what others would think, is that they would never see what Susy Clemens would see of Twain.
If you were to read a little further, you would figure out that Susy mentions that Mark really liked animals, especially cats. You would then learn they had multiple cats. She goes on and states the cats' names, then including a rather peculiar action. He would sometimes dress the same color as one of the cat's fur, and carry the cat on his shoulder. Susy thought that this was interesting. Others, would most likely not know that Twain liked animals to the extent to have multiple cats in his house, and possibly would see it odd to carry a cat on your shoulder, in addition, dress the same color as their fur.
Towards the end of the passage, Clemens talks about Twain's writings and how the newest, at the time, was her favorite of all his books — The Prince and The Pauper. She really liked it for the touching moments and the humor, and as stated in the passage "... The book is really full of charming ideas, and oh the language!" Other people may believe, however, that the best of Mark's writings were Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because of the title that they had earned through the years, and the popularity of the two, thus creating multiple debates.
At the end of the writing, Clara states her father, although he hadn't admitted it, often played hooky. As also said, Clara's grandmother (Twain's mother,) often didn't mind him skipping school, as long as he had a basic education. However, he didn't stay at home either — he got apprenticeship for a newspaper company. Most people would mostly likely not know of Twain's habit of skipping school, because of how intelligent he is. In his time, it was very hard to get to a school or even get the opportunity to go to one. So, if they did, they would most likely disagree with Mark's mother and claim that school is a very important priority.

I am really lazy today.

And every day.

Shoot me.

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