Chapter 6: Thank You Draco...

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look at Dracos HAIR!!! ✨💫TASTY💫 ✨

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look at Dracos HAIR!!! ✨💫TASTY💫 ✨

Also I freaking love that song.

(Where shiz left off)

"Guys-" I tried to reason, Crabbe threw his fist into the side of my head. Within seconds all five of them were kicking me, punching me, and worst of all, Warrington kept using the Beaters Bat.
"Immobulus!" A deep voice shouted behind Crabbe.
The group around me froze in their places.

(Snapes POV) ooooo~!

These idiotic children. I swear some day they're going to end up getting themselves expelled.
Crabbe and Goyle we're finishing up detention.
Not only did they have to kill a goat and retrieve a Bezoar from it, they had to test out a few 5th years potions, plus, they were being suspended for two weeks. Beating a defenseless girl. Honestly.
An hour or so after Crabbe passed out on the floor, I sent them back to their dorms to pack. It was several hours past dark. I should be-
"PROFESSOR!! PROFESSOR SNAPE!!!" Someone threw my door open.
I was about to storm over and tell the little twit off when I saw Draco Malfoy, in his pajamas, his usually slick greasy hair in a frizzy mess.
"What is it? What are you doing up past hours." I growled, pissed.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) (l/n)! T-the house is mad at her b-because she hit me- a-and Crabbe and Goyle and Parkinson and- and W-Warrington, and Flin-" he stuttered, on the verge of tears.
"Get to the point!" I said, rubbing my temples.
"S-someone told me... theyre g-gonna beat her up!!" He whined.
"Where are they?" I urgently grabbed my wand.
"F-forest!" He managed to get out through tears.
"Go to the hospital wing and alert Madam Pomfrey." I told Draco, already starting down the corridors.
He simply nodded and ran away.
"Ahhh Severus! Find any-" Filch saw me.
"Not now. Actually, why don't you come with me. Group of Slytherins out of bed, in the forbidden forest." I said.
Filch looked exited and hurried behind me.
"Lumos." I murmured once we exited into the thick snow.
(This goddamn leaf blower outside is making it hard to get in the mood 😂)
We reached the edge of the forest, I silenced Filch and listened. Screaming and shouting came from inside. I hurried forward, moving branches and roots with my wand. This is ridiculous. I'll have these students expelled. Children these days. You'd think they'd learn.
Up ahead I saw a patch of light, the shouting grew louder.
"Immobulus!" I shot forward, the group froze in their place.
"Bloody hell..." Filch peered from behind me.
A girl- (L/n) no doubt- was covered in blood and snow, one boy had a Beaters bat raised over his head.
I rushed forward and shook (l/n).
"Come on, get up." I put her on her feet.
(Y'all expect to be carried- hell nah)
I fixed the 5 students and they fell to the floor.
"Professor Snape—!!" Parkinson bolted up.
"—Self defense!" Flint said nonchalantly like this would justify him.
"Do you think I'm a fool? Get up- all of you." I snapped.
My hand, sleeve, and shoe were already stained with blood, (L/n) was wobbling from side to side, her face covered by her now soaked hair.
"Er- I'll uh, take her back to-" Filch awkwardly tried to help.
"—No, I can take care of this, you go back to the castle." I grabbed (L/n) back. She stumbled and fell on her face. I sighed and threw her over my back.
I turned and moved a root out of the way. Filch trudged after me, followed by Parkinson, and soon, the four boys.

(Y/n) pov:

I woke up in the hospital wing, it was very dark, however the moonlight shone the outlines of several people at the foot of my bed.
"How dare you- do you have any idea what youve done? You five should be expelled! If it weren't for Dumbledore I'd have you out of this school before you've had the chance to pack! You insufferable little-" Professor Snape hissed, his voice raising above a whisper.
"Severus. That's quite enough!" Dumbledore said.
"I swear! You five! Giving me all this work!" Madam Pomfrey quietly mumbled as she sorted through some bottles.
Something moved to the left of me. I turned my head as slowly as possible, I don't want them to know I'm awake yet.
Dracos head, usually slicked back and tidy, was how ruffled and quite fluffy. He had his head down in his arms, sleeping on the bed. He'd taken that stupid cast off as well.
Gross. Why the hell is he even here. Why isn't he getting yelled at. He told the others to do this!
"I must ask you to remember it is up to me to decide wether they are expelled. However, they will not get off easily. I shall be in my office deciding what to do with them." Dumbledores voice faded away.
"This is outrageous, Severus, if you can't control your students maybe—"
"I can control them just fine, Remus, now if I remember correctly you have a certain... package... to get to." Professor Snape interrupted.
"Pst- (Y/n).." I heard Draco whisper from my left.
I turned my head abruptly.
"What do you want." I whispered flatly.
"How are you, does it hurt?" He asked.
"Does what hurt Malfoy." I hissed.
"You know... anything?" He sat up.
"Ah, you're awake. Alright, let me have a see." Madam Pomfrey spoke. Everyone stopped and turned to me.
Oh come on guys...
"Er- I feel fine, a little sore but other then that..." I said.
"Drink this." She handed me a bottle.
I eyed it, but figured it was safe.
It tasted like puke- something I almost did!
"Delicious.." I wheezed. Professor Lupin laughed.
"Breakfast is in an hour, will she be up by then?" Dracos voice was hoarse.
"I'm sure she will if you people would let her rest!"
Madam Ponfrey huffed.
Why would he care.
"Out! Everyone out!" She shoved the crowd out of the hospital wing.
Madam Pomfrey came rushing back to my bed.
"You rest up now, don't worry about what's going to happen to those five kids. And maybe if you wish, you may go down to breakfast in an hour." She said.
I nodded.
For the next hour I sat in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey did the best she could with the bigger cuts and bruises, reducing them to small ones.
I left the hospital wing with several band aids all down my arms, legs, and a few on my face.
I slipped into my room, noting the absence of Pansy.
I didn't have any classes today, as it was Sunday.
I grabbed a book from my suitcase and started towards the dining hall.

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