Chapter 3

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"Mike?" I managed to whimper out. My eyes were puffy and red from crying, so there was no hiding the fact that I was really upset.

"Georgia! What's the matter? You look like you were just crying! I came over to say sorry for being such a dick earlier."

I couldn't even look at him. I wanted to tell him so badly, but I couldn't in fear that I would scare him away and he would break up with me. "Micheal. You don't need to apologize for anything. Its just that... My goldfish died..." My goldfish died? Really G, really?

"You had a goldfish?"

"Yes.. Erm and I loved him dearly, and that's why I've been so upset lately!" I was mentally crossing my fingers that he had bought it.

"Oh... Um, then why couldn't you tell me that?"

"I don't know.. I- I'm just.. Yo-"

"DINNER!" My mother screamed from the kitchen.

"Hungry! I'm just very, very hungry! Do you wanna stay for dinner Mike?" I said while bolting to the kitchen. It was only a matter if time before I had to tell him the truth, and I could tell he wasnt buying the whole 'fish' thing. Oh well, I'll just have to figure it out later.


At dinner

"So Michael, how are you doing in school, young man?" My father questioned

"Dad!" I quietly scolded.

"No, no. Don't worry about it. I've actually been doing pretty well my lowest grade right now is a C+." My father looked unimpressed. He put on the most fake, yet believable smile I had ever seen. I guess that's where I get it from.

"That's great, kid. At least you have sports going for you." Michael frowned, but quickly shook it off and went right on mingling. I wasn't really listening to what everyone was saying, but I was mostly soaking in this moment of the 3 people I love the most out of anyone together.

"Georgia," my mother said, breaking my train of thought, "wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, of course," I lied. Right after I said that I felt extreme fatigue. I felt so tired that suddenly I felt I might just collapse over and fall asleep. "I- I'm not feeling to well. May I be excused?"

"Yes of course, what's wrong?"

"I just feel tired. Sorry Mike," I could barely get those few words out before I drowsily stumbled to my bedroom. As soon as I got near my bed I collapsed on it.

Not soon after did I feel a sharp pain in my left thigh. Then, everything went black.


SO sorry it took so long to update. In all honesty I forgot to publish this! Hope you guys like it.




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