don't leave me - renkun

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Requested by: No one ( I'm working on some requests rn! )

Couple: Renkun ( Renjun x Kun )

Warnings: , Language, A Lil Angst

Kun had called things off with Renjun only weeks after school had finished.

College was difficult, which he soon realized the hard way, and he felt as though his studies would leave his beloved boyfriend alone and sad for most of the relationship.

Although Renjun had insisted he was still satisfied with their relationship, Kun broke up with him regardless, as heartbreaking it was.

He wished he never had to see the look on the younger's face that night.

"Babe! I promise it's ok! You don't have time for me and I understand that, but it doesn't mean we have to break up!"

Renjun attempted to block the older from packing his bag, his small and weak frame being unable to do much.

"Renjun, I can't do this to you. You need someone who can be there for you, you know this isn't right or even healthy."

He didn't bother to look the smaller boy in the eyes, knowing if he saw the tears running down his cheeks he wouldn't even make it out the door before running back to him.

"B-But it's not like other people don't go t-through this. Yet they still make it! Why can't you s-stay with me? I d-don't love you any l-less..."

His breathing had become quick and unsteady, to say he was crying would be an understatement.

He was about to lose the person he loved the most, sobbing in a situation like this is understandable.

"If you just want to break up because you don't love me anymore you can just say that Kunnie..I-I understand.."

"No! Junnie I'm doing this because I do love you! I don't want you to go through this anymore, can't you see I'm trying to do what's best for you?"

Kun raised his voice as if he were scolding his future ex boyfriend, causing him to sob harder then before.

He was truly convinced the older just didn't love him anymore, and that he was using his studies as an excuse to leave him.

Kun slung his backpack over his shoulder, turning to Renjun and giving him a farewell kiss on his forehead.

"I promise you, I never stopped loving you for a second of our relationship. I just...I want you to be happier baby.

I'm sorry, I really am. But I promise you won't be upset once you see, this is just what has to happen."

Renjun scoffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest and averting his gaze to the floor.

"That's such bullshit Kun. If you were actually sorry- or if even loved me, you wouldn't leave. You'd hear me telling you that I still love you and stay.."

Kun shook his head and walked past the other boy, heading towards the door.

It took every inch of his being not to turn back. Even grabbing ahold of the doorknob sent a pang of guilt through his heart.

And it hurt, physically.

As he left he heard Renjun's pain-filled cries from his apartment. Begging and pleading for him to come back.

And now after all that shit went down here he was, standing in front of the same door he walked out of that night.

He needed to get the rest of his stuff that he left, even though he didn't really want to see Renjun.

He still loved him, but in his mind he hurt him too much.

He wouldn't dare ask the younger to take him back.

He knocked on the door lightly and soon enough it opened.

Before any words could be exchanged Renjun shoved a box into Kun's arms and glared coldly at him.

"There's all your shit. And all of it is in there so don't even think about coming back to ask for anything. You're lucky I didn't just burn your clothes when I had the chance."

Kun could hear his voice breaking slightly.

Renjun wanted to cry.

"Jun please, can we talk for just a few minutes?"

"Talk? Talk about what? I don't want anything to do with you anymore-"

Renjun attempted to close the door but Kun stopped it with his hand, pushing it back open and stepping inside.

Tears had begun to form in Renjun's eyes and he stepped back.

"K-Kun, for the love of god please get out! I've been working my ass off to get over you, stop making it so hard to stop loving you-"

No chance was given for him to finish before a pair of arms wrapped securely around his waist and he felt something familiar meet his lips.

He should've pushed Kun away, he knew that, but he had missed his touch so much.

After a few seconds they both pulled back for air.

Renjun wrapped his arms around Kun's neck, leaning up so their foreheads touched.

"Why...why did you do that?"

Kun rubbed soothing circles on Renjun's hips with his thumbs, letting out a gentle sigh.

"I just- I miss you. And I feel terrible for what I did to you. You were right. I should've stayed. But...I very highly doubt you want me around now..."

Renjun cupped his face gently and brought him in for another kiss, said kiss being a bit more gentle this time.

"Ok, now why did you do that?" Kun questioned.

"To let you know I forgive you dumb dumb!" Renjun's cheeks flared up and he looked away.

"Don't act all tough~"  The taller of the two teased, Renjun being his stubborn self and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I can still kick you out y'know."

That seemed to work in his favor. "Ok, ok! You're tough baby."

Word Count: 971

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