adding on - renkun

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Requested by: @lovestraykidsjyp

Couple: Renkun ( Renjun x Kun )

Warnings: Mpreg, Fluff (not rly a warning lolol)

Renjun walked around the comforting and cozy home he shared with Kun, his beloved husband of 4 years.

The elder had left earlier for work, leaving the younger alone and frankly quite bored.

What's even worse was the slight nausea he'd been experiencing the past few days. He didn't know what specifically had triggered it but either way, it wasn't very pleasant.

Kun was far more worried than Renjun, and had even offered to take the week off in order to stay home with him.

But Renjun assured him that it wasn't that serious.

He was currently sitting on the couch watching whatever he found entertaining on Netflix and texting his friends.

Suddenly his phone rang and the screen lit up with Jaemin's caller ID.

"Hey Nana, what's up?" he put him on speaker and placed the phone on his lap, scrolling through the movies as he spoke to Jaemin.

"Hey, I heard you weren't feeling great. What's going on?" Jaemin was always the one friend to worry more then he should.

"It's nothing, I just threw up like once and Kun got all dramatic about it."

"He gets dramatic because he cares dumbass." Renjun didn't even have to see Jaemin to know he most likely rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I know. I just like making fun of him for it. Anyways, I can't really think of anything that I ate out of the ordinary or even something I did."

"Don't take this the wrong way but have you been taking birth control or anything like that?" Renjun thought for a moment.

"I mean it's not like Kun and I have sex that much, and I'm pretty sure I've taken it around the times we did." Jaemin's facepalm could be heard through the phone.

"Pretty sure or very sure?"

"Pretty. Jaemin, just say what you're thinking already."

"Are you pregnant?"

"Uhm-I don't really..." he looked to the side, his facial expression shoving a mix of question and concern "I don't know."

"I'm coming over, don't go anywhere."

"Where would I even go?" Jaemin hung up and Renjun huffed in annoyance.

He'd never really thought about having a kid. He and Kun were pretty happy with their lives as it is, and whenever they were asked if they'd ever want children they always responded the same way. 'We'll see.'

A kid wouldn't be bad.

The more he thought about it the more he fell in love with the idea of having a baby of their own. Or maybe he was more in love with the idea of Kun with a kid. Yeah, that'd be cute.

About 20 minutes later a knock was heard at the front door, to which Renjun hopped up from his spot on the couch to answer it.

"Hey preggers."

"Not funny Jaemin."

"It will be once we figure out if you're really pregnant." Jaemin walked past the shorter, Renjun following after him.

"I brought a little something." The younger of the two pulled out a pink box from his pocket.

Renjun glared at the bold blue letters reading 'Pregnancy Test'.

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