Chapter 16

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Yeah I know, I've been gone a long time so sorry. Hope this makes up for it.

Ash was outside on a balcony in the Pokémon center in Vermillion City, looking at the stars. He usually did this, reminiscing about the times before the betrayal. I mean his friends just betrayed everything his point in life, his dream.

This tournament in Alola was the way to get back at them, and achieve his dream. Show the world just what he can do. Ash looked to his right and saw his long time buddy, Pikachu.

"Hey buddy, go back to sleep, get some rest." Ash told the mouse with a caring tone.

"I could say the same to you." Pikachu responded in a worrying voice. Pikachu knew how much this meant to Ash, and he would do anything for him. But what Ash was doing was unhealthy, staying up at night and remembering times that he'll never get back.

"Yeah" Ash chuckled. Ash signaled Pikachu to come sit with him and Pikachu did. "This tournament, we have to win it buddy. Prove just how strong we are to EVERYONE." Ash told Pikachu with excitement in his voice. You could see the shine in his eyes as he talked about it. Almost like the old Ash.

"We will Ash, but I don't want you falling asleep in the middle of training." Pikachu told him. Ash looked at him and looked back at the beautiful city of Vermillion before sighing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Ash went back to his bed and slept next to Dawn while Leaf was cuddling with her. Pikachu went and sat on the floor with the rest of the pokemon.

Ash smiled and closed his eyes.

It was 6 o'clock as Ash woke up leaving two beautiful girls in the bed. He turned and saw them, unable to hold in a smile before he woke up Pikachu and went to get breakfast.

Diego and Skyla were fast asleep together in their own room, so Ash didn't disturb them. They went to the Cafeteria in the pokemon center as they always gave out free food to people and pokemon. Pretty useful for Ash and everyone when they adventure a LOT.

Pikachu carries a tray full of ketchup packets as Ash carried actual food up to the living room of the rooms they bought. At that time they were all awake.

Dawn was the first to speak up. "Hey Ash good morning!" Dawn and Leaf both kissed him on the cheek.

"Good morning you angels." Ash responded making Dawn blush and and Leaf's smile widen. Ash place the food down as they all ate filling their stomachs up. Their pokemon were outside in the training area practicing their moves and tactics.

"So, I saw you looking at the tournament board. Guess we're going to Alola aren't we?" Diego asked knowing what the answer would be.

Ash nodded. "Of course Diego, what better way to show how much I've grown." Diego and Skyla smiled in excitement while the girls were squealing thinking about all the clothes shop. Ash started to sweat knowing they were DEFINITELY going to a shop. I mean with Dawn and Leaf, they would spend a decade in there.

"Our plane leaves today so start to pack up!" Everyone gasped.


"We barely even got to explore Vermillion, and you just told us now!" Leaf argued. But there was no arguing with Ash, once he set his mind to something there was no going back. Leaf sighed. "Should've atleast given us a day or two to get ready."

Ash scratched the back of his head. "Yeah I guess." He said as he smiled sheepishly. "Either way, Vermillion has an airport so we can explore there." Ash said hoping that was enough for them.

"Oh yeah I heard that airport has a ton of shops we could visit."

"Oh no"


Paul was out training with Trip and Drew until he heard his phone chime. He picked it up and read the words, ALOLAN TOURNAMENT IN ONE MONTH. Not much information explaining where it would be but he guessed they would find out in Alola.

"Hey guys, we're going to Alola." His friends looked at him confused until they saw what Paul was talking about. An evil grin creeped up on their faces, this was it, their road to glory. Sure it was a Hail Mary going up against champions and legend trainers, but this was his way no, their way, to be legends. For the first time in a while, Paul smiled, parts of his old self coming back. Same with the others, they haven't been the same since they betrayed Ash, but they were getting worse, more...evil.

"ASH WHERE ARE YOU!" Leaf screamed furiously, needing her savior to come help with some bags filled with luxurious brands of clothing. Ash came running with sweat running down his forehead.

"Okay okay I'm here." Ash said in an exhausted tone. He took the bags and put it on his arms which contained multiple bags containing clothing and other accessories. "Arceus, don't use up all my money."

"If you want the both of us, THEN THIS SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM!" Leaf yelled with Dawn backing her up, then Dawn grabbed one of Leaf's tits.

"I mean, you could do this for us, right Ashy?" Dawn
said seductively while biting her lip. Leaf smirked, winking at Ash sending chills down his spine.

Ash sighed. "I guess." Ash was defeated, they really knew how to get him to give up. They knew his weakness, them, they were his weakness. He would anything for them and they would do the same.

Leaf and Dawn squealed in happiness as they bought more stuff. "I knew we could count on you Ashy!"

As they finished up there shopping Skyla and Diego came back with Diego carrying bags as well.

"You sure you can't help with atleast one?" Diego hopes in an tired voice.

Skyla laughed. "Haha. You're funny Diego!" She said in an innocent voice as she pinched his cheek causing him to blush in embarrassment. Diego sighed, at least he tried, right?

It was finally time, the plane was here and was ready for takeoff. Ash and everyone were already on it with Leaf taking the window seat looking outside in awe of the clouds. Dawn was in the middle and Ash on the end. Skyla and Diego were in 2 seats in front of then with Skyla on the window seat admiring the view as well.

"Mmh, can I have 3 PokeCola please?" Ash asked for himself and the girls.

"Of course sir, that would be $15!" Ash payed her off as him and his girlfriends relaxed as they held a refreshing beverage in their hand. They all couldn't wait to get to Alola, see all the sights and participate in the tourney. For Ash, his dreams were right in the grasp of his palm.

Authors Note
So looking back at my other chapters, I realize I've made Ash like way to op. So I'm gonna tone it down and make it more realistic and make some changes to the story. Feel free to request what you want to see in the story.

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