Yandere D.va x kitsune reader

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Requested by @BubblesRoseYuki and for those of you who don't know a kitsune is a half fox half human!

~(y/n) POV~
Everyday is just same for me, deal with assholes, hide away from the world, and try to survive another horrible day in this life. Right as I'm close to little makeshift home in an alleyway, random jerks surround me and start to cause problems. I'm just trying to walk past them.

"Hey bitch!"

I don't pay him any mind but he continues to scream at me. Before I knew what was happening I feel someone turn me around and I felt a stinging and burning sensation all across the left side of my face and lip.

"Hey freak, what are going to do now huh? Are you going to call your mommy? What about your dad? No?"a girl behind the bastard grabbed his arm. "That's enough. She didn't do anything. Let's just go."

"Ha! This bitch did so much wring by being born. She doesn't deserve to even look human, her parents probably abandoned her because of how disgusting she is."

I look down as I feel my body start to get a weight I haven't felt in a long time. My ears fell flat against my head, a bit of blood falling out of my mouth from where the loser punched me. I won't let them see me cry, I won't show them how scared I am. It's what they want.

"Why don't you just fuck off. I'm just a gal trying to get through my goddamn hell of a life and dickbags like you aren't making it better.

"Oh such a big fucking mouth from the freak. You're probably not even a real girl are you? You're just some fake who decided you wanted to trick everyone you're something that you're not."

My tail poofs up and I bare my fangs. I'm going kill this asshole, but before I can even raise my claws a hear a feminine voice from the left.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! You don't just go around hurting people!"

I look at my "savior" and see a short girl with beautiful brown hair a brown eyes like the golden rays of morning on an old oak. She's so beautiful.

"A-Ah!? Hana Song?! What are you doing here?"

"I was having a nice day, until I hear you ass hats bullying this poor woman. Don't tell me that bullshit 'oh she's a fox lady, she's a trickster, she's going to, blah blah blah."

The main guy looks over at Hana with a bright red face and tries to stutter out a sorry excuse of an explanation but she cuts him off with a wave of her hands.

"Get the hell away from here or I will make you regret it."

The bullies looked at each other. Quickly and quietly they left together, not before the main guy flipped me off.

"Are you ok miss? Oh no, you're bleeding!"

I don't really move as 'Hana' takes off her sweater and puts it on me. She reaches for me to help me get back up.

"Miss please come with me, so I can patch up your wounds."

Something in the back of my mind was telling me not to trust her. That there was something wrong with her but how could there be? She saved me. I grab her hand and she pulls me up with strength I didn't know someone could have. She doesn't let go of my hand as she leads me to her home.

"Thank you miss Hana. I uh-how- dammit- why'd you help me?"

She looks at me and has such a cute face I almost don't realize she answered my question.

"You don't deserve to be treated that way. You're still a person even if you look a bit different."

I smile at her as we continue our walk in silence. We reach her house after what seemed like a couple of minutes of walking. I don't really remember seeing this house before but I guess that's because I never actually looked around. It looks so cozy but my guy is telling me there's something so wrong about this. I push those feelings away, how bad could any of this be when she helped me?

"Let's go (y/n)! I want to get you patched up as soon as I can."

Hana picks up the pace and almost trips as she opens the reddish brown door open. Chuckling I follow close behind as she takes me through her house, it looks a lot more like a mansion once you get inside. The hallways were big enough for me lay down and my head and feet would only an inch away from the walls, the doors had a somewhat darker red then the outside which didn't seem natural, kinda like someone pained over it with a really watery oil paint.

"Can you come over here (y/n)? I found the first aid kit."


My tail wags happily as I go to where Hana is, until I feel that gut wrenching horribleness agin but this time I realize why. How does she know my name? I heard the bully say her name but she never once confirmed or asked me to introduce myself. I stay put as fear filled my being.

"(Y/n)? Are you ok? Don't worry I'm coming to you!"

I try to make it to the door my legs ran as fast as they could, but I wasn't fast enough. My tail is grabbed and I fall to the floor and dragged away to the basement.

"What do you want from me!?"

Hana looks at me, her beautiful brown eyes staring at me as a sickeningly sweet smile plasters her face.

"Nothing sweetheart. I just want you to be safe. I want all those assholes to leave you alone and for us to live our happily ever after together."

Hana puts me in a surprisingly comfy bed, facing her. She leans in close and gives me a small kiss on the cheek,

"I want to protect you from the jerks that want you dead, I want to be your hero."

I'm trembling as I try to scoot away from Hana. My ears fall flat against my head as I listen to what Hana is saying to me.

"I'm not doing this to hurt you, god no. I'm doing this to make sure people like the jerks from earlier don't ever hurt you again. I've seen it happen so many times and every time it happens I feel so useless I can't protect you. I love you too much to ever see you hurt."

"Love Huh? That's why your keeping hostage in your basement!"

"Hostage? No- no no! You got it all wrong. I want to give you a home! Live with me and you never have to worry about bullies or where to sleep or anything ever again! Please just give me a chance. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you but would you have believed me if I had offered you a home? No. You would've thought I was trying to hurt you, but I'd never dream of hurting you!"

My hearts still twisting and my gut is telling me not to trust her, but she's promising me so much, this really can't be an offer I can refuse.

"Why are we in the basement then?"

"This is your room! It's closer to the door and a bit farther away from my room so you don't ever feel like you're in any danger. What do you say (y/n)? Will you stay with me? Please?"

I look at her and try and see if anything she's saying is a lie, bust she's so sincere, maybe this is a dream come true. Maybe she is my hero.

"I'll stay with you."

She smiles so big and gives me the tightest hug I've ever felt.

"You won't ever regret this sweetheart! We'll have the perfect life together, just the two of us."

Everything in my body is telling me to get out while I can, but how bad could this be if I have a home? She's offering me everything I lost and more, maybe this is a gift for everything bad that's happened to me. Maybe I can trust her.... or maybe I'm insane

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