Two Can Keep A Secret If One Of Them Is...

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As I saw her falling to the ground limp. Looking at her body in disguest i bended down to lift her leg to where i planned to hide her body. 

I looked down and saw her unconcious body being dragged. I felt a pang of guilt by that was soon replaced with firey anger for what she did to me. Even though i have loved her. She was just a copy, crazy, phycopathic. She didnt deserve to live.

As i reached my destination, I roughly threw her leg down as if it was the most disguestingest thig in world.

Swiftly i grabbed the shovel i hid under the beach chairs.

I started to dig.

Suddnley i heard a moan. 

"what are you doing?" Courtney replied in  hoarse voice.

I smirked and let out a giggle. " oh , something i should have done years ago Court."

I heard her breathing speed up, which made me smile even more.

"Please dont do this. Ali please why would you do this to your ONLY sister." She started to gain confidence which ticked me off. but i hide my disappointment by continuing shoveling. " Im practically you." I could hear the smirk in her voice. She started to walk towards me slowly." I tried to shovel faster. " I am you. I am the same blood and flesh." Anger was not even even the proper word for what i was feeling. " And trying to kill me-" giggles-" would be like killing you" I felt her approach me behind my back. " Plus, you are still going to be Courtney, Courtney and I will be Alison. In Death. You will always be known as a crazy to mom and dad. Why? Because thats what you are. CRAZY" The last word was said slow. Im guessing so it could sink in. I am not crazy.

I turned to her, shovel still in hand. " well sweetie. Poor Courtney. The best thing about me is that unlike you." i paused. She began to have  fear written on her face." I am the real thing. And I am alive." With that said i shoved her in the hole i just dug up. Hearing her scream, was relaxing. The feeling that filled me was peaceful, because finally... everything will be how it was supposed to.

" HELP!!! PLEASE IM STUCK AHHHHHHH" I looked down and started to laugh. 

"See the difference Courtney, no one out do's me. Not even a you." I threw a rock at her and heard her body hit the ground. A smile formed on my lips. And quickly started to put the soil back.

Once when i finally was done putting the soil back i heard voices in the distance. " ALI?" ALISON!?!"

Your not gonna find her, Ha Never will. my thoughts spoke.

I walked with ease to my porch. I took one last look at my work and smiled. 

I know i won't regret this. Never.

I walked into my house.

Went to my actual room. Still how i left it. I went to my bed and slept soundly.


But then i realized... I have no proof that I'm me without my A ring.

It must still be on Courtney. But i buried her. Maybe if i just told mom and dad that im Ali then... who am i kidding. At least i got her out. 

My thoughts were interupted by my mom walking in.

"Courtney, what are you doing in Ali's room. Please go to your own and behave until we drop you off tomorrow afternoon. I really want you well again cupcake."

I frowned. This was not how it was supposed to end up." But mom, im Ali!!"

My Mother Groaned. "Courtney, Sweetie. Please dont start this... We all love you for you. Please just stop this and go to your room."

I can't believe she doesnt believe me.

I groaned and stomped to Courtneys room. But at least i dont have to deal with That Bitch anymore.

Ding Dong the Bitch is dead.

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