The Riddle

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Prince Adam's pov:

When we returned back, I wasn't able to think. I was continuously trying to surpress my emotions. Belle was looking broken too.

After returning, we were walking through the corridor. Every thing was fine... and a rainafter pleasant sunshine was trying to make us happy. But, whatever the nature was, black clouds covered my heart.
" Adam?" Belle looked at me.
" Hmm?"
" I am sorry"
" Don't be sorry, it's not your fault"
" But you love me, and... I am breaking your heart here... but believe me, I love you too. I don't know who's the guy... and I don't wanna know....."
" He's waiting for you. I can realise the pain of waiting for love.... I had spent many years with those feelings..."
" But...."
" Nothing Belle. Just concentrate on the riddle... it's the trickiest one."
"I am sorry Adam"
" No hard feelings Princess. You are the one whom I loved the most.... and you will be whom I'll love the, I just wanna see you happy. You know Belle, please don't mind, you are a heartbreaker.
You have broken my heart somedays ago, and now, you are breaking. See you later."

With those words, I rushed into my room. Belle stood there, spellbound...May be tried to realise the word,' heartbreaker'.

I jumped in my bed... and started crying.
I was going to be alone, again.

After two hours;

I was ok then. I convinced myself. I have to convince myself. I felt a guilt, to talk with her roughly.... but I have nothing to do. Meanwhile, my most trusted minister, Mr. Jafar came. He's name is Jafar.... it's weird, I know. And surprisingly, he almost looks like the villain Jafar of Aladdin. But, he's a good, loyal and nice soul. He informed me that, there were some people in my palace, to know our royal and fighting secrets.
" So, mr. Jafar, you are saying that. But how can you know that?"
" Prince, I knew that by our loyal spy, Robbin.I am sure that they must be here.'
" Hmm... what's your opinion?"
" I think, we have to question everyone, specially the new guys."
" No, mr. Jafar. We have to catch them lively. If we try to catch them, they will sent the secrets to their master, whatever they know. Besides, I don't want to harass my people. Just put spies behind them. Make a good eye in our royal Chembers. And, try to make your self calm .Thanks for informing me, Mr. Jafar , do as discussed."
" As your wish prince" mr. Jafar went from there.
Hunh, what they will know, my all secrets were going with my Belle......

Sometimes later, me, Belle and my best friend Polly started to discuss about the riddle.

(Belle): I think the first sentence is so important.
(Me): I think so.
( Bestie): I think so.
( Belle): which can be lost but cannot returned... what is it?
( Me): love?
( Bestie): love?
( Me) : hey Polly, why are you reapiting my words!!
( Polly): hey Polly, why are you....oops! Sorry.
( Belle): you two, started again!! Mr. Polly, some one wants to talk with you... good away.
Polly did so.
I was watching her. How beautiful she is.....her long curls made her more beautiful.
( Belle): you know, prince, the day when I lose your love, I will lose everything.
( Me): you can't lose everything, because you haven't everything yet.
( Belle): you stole my words!!
( Me): because I can't steel you.
(Polly): well... I am here now...
( Belle): unfortunately.
(Polly): what?
( Me) : nothing of your business Polly.
( Polly): yes!! I got the answer!!!
( Me): what?
(Polly): food!!! Yeah need for clapping.... but I am so hungry... I have to eat....

We broke into a hard laughter.
Polly smiled, " there it is".

" How does a moment last forever?
How does our happiness endure
Through the darkest of our troubles
Love is beuty, love is pure
Love plays no mind to desolation
It flows like a river through the soul
Protects, perceives, and preserves
And makes us whole"

" Me, Belle and Polly was standing there. Suddenly, a spy attacked on Belle....."

What happened then? To know, stay tuned for the next chapter..... do vote please.

With l❤️ve
Koushiki ( Shimmer)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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