Maybe A Beginning Of Something

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Ben's POV

After that kiss by Erica I went to bed.


I woke up and did my usual routine after that someone from CIA names Jackson came and picked us up and dropped us to our school.

We straight away went to the place were exchange students were supposed to be "The Principal's Office"

"Hello Ben, Erica, Zoe and Mike" the principal said

"My name is Mr.Johnson, your principal"

"Ben and Mike, Meet Emma White" said Mr.Johnson

And then A girl with blonde hair came out and said "Hi"

"Hi" me and mike said at the same time.

Then mike started to go into his charming form

Sorry this it for today because of my schedule.

"At least you updated" says Erica

"Where is your manners Erica" says Cathrine while coming into my room that I am being tortured in.

"When did I say I had manners" says Erica while Kissing Ben on the cheeck.


Until then

AgentBen1612 out

"How many times have I told you get a new catchphrase bummer" says Erica 

"Please Save me Ben" 

"Dude it is out of my hand" says Ben

"Life is perfect for me" says Ben.

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