Gary Vs Liam

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The battle went underway as Alakazam boosted his stats up after using a calm mind. Alakazam used psychic on Dragonite, who was unable to move for some time, but Dragonite broke free from the attack and used fire punch to try to get some hits on Alakazam. He quickly dodged by using teleport and then used a psy beam, which smashed right into Dragonite's stomach, causing Dragonite to cough out in pain as he had lost his breath. 

Alakazam then used psychic as he got a hold of Dragonite. He then lifted Dragonite off the ground and slammed him back into the ground. 
Dragonite was in a lot of pain after being slammed all over the stage. Because he got hit, Alakazam had weakened him, so he was unable to break out of the psychic hold immediately. Eventually, Dragonite was sent off the stage as he was eliminated. Liam was surprised by the cheap way that Gary had gotten the win and could only blame himself for not being a good enough trainer to give good orders. 

He returned Dragonite, who had also fainted. Liam got out of the trance because he was just getting started. Liam reassured Dragonite that they would get stronger one day as it seemed like Gary had improved and had gotten stronger over the one-month break.  Liam's next Pokémon was Charizard, who was unable to flex like he usually does when he comes out of his ball. 

This time he was clamped up as soon as he came out. His wings were held tight after Alakazam used psychic on them, causing Charizard to fall flat on his face. In embarrassment, Charizard then broke free from the hold as he charged towards Alakazam. As soon as he was about to make contact with Alakazam, Alakazam teleported behind him and used psycho cuts dealing with some damage to Charizard. 
Charizard roared in pain as he turned around to look at Alakazam, but he had already disappeared and ended up behind Charizard as he used another psycho cut on his back. At this point, Charizard was pretty pissed off. He started to reason as he used a smokescreen. It didn't matter to Alakazam because, with his psychic powers, he was able to sense where Charizard was, so when Charizard had launched a surprise attack on him, he was able to dodge it using teleport. 
Charizard was in the air hovering above the stage where the smokescreen wasn't located. Charizard was getting quite annoyed as he used his devil transformation and sent a powerful flamethrower attack. Alakazam was surprised that Charizard was able to get such a power boost in such a short time. Alakazam teleported away and used psychically to get ahold of Charizard and was trying to pull him to slam him into the ground, but Charizard broke free quickly. 

Thanks to his Devil form and his power boost, he was able to easily break from the psychic holds as he rushed towards Alakazam once again. Alakazam was getting annoyed by Charizard's pestering, and he sent a spy beam towards Charizard. Charizard quickly dodged it and sent a fire blast, which hit Alakazam. Because he was in the middle of an attack, that attack had done significant damage to Alakazam, but he was still trying to hold on. 
As he teleported away from Charizard, Charizard did not stop wherever Alakazam teleported. He followed him with sheer rage in his heart as his eyes had turned bright red, and his horns were protruding and were starting to grow into an arc. His flame burst out even more as his wings began to form a different shape. It seemed like Charizard had unlocked the next level of the devil form going from level 2 to level 3. Liam didn't quite understand the scales yet, but he felt that the devil form had gotten even more reliable. 

Charizard was looking more devilish than ever as he unleashed a barrage of attacks towards Alakazam. Eventually, Alakazam was not able to handle it anymore after exhausting most of his energy in the previous fights. Alakazam got hit with one of Charizard's strongest attacks as he fainted. Gary was surprised by the change in Charizard's appearance as he thought that Ash's Charizard was nothing compared to this Charizard. 

Even Red's Charizard, who he thought was extremely strong, had nothing on this Charizard. He had transformed and looked different from the others. Gary returned to Alakazam as he sent out his next Pokémon, Rhydon. As soon as Charizard saw Rhydon, he charged towards him, unleashing a powerful black looking flamethrower. Rhydon tried to defend by using rock barriers, but the flame was so powerful that it charged right through it and hit him. 

Rhydon was not very affected by fire moves, but due to the sheer heat of the attack, it did some damage to Rhydon. Rhydon quickly dodged the rest of the attack and used an earthquake to slow down Charizard. However, Charizard promptly flew in the air and came down. He grabbed Rhydon and used a seismic toss to slam Rhydon right into the ground. Gary was surprised by the sheer energy that Charizard was displaying and thought that he was such a monster. 

If there were a few more Pokémon ahead of him, that was even stronger than him, he had no chance of beating Liam. He finally realized that he still had a lot of catching up to do, but that didn't stop him from experiencing this challenge as he tried to figure out a way to help out his buddy Rhydon.

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