Day 1: Pride Icebreaker

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This is Day 1 of this event!

Pride Icebreaker!

So, Pride Icebreaker is just a list of questions that relate to LGBT and pride that you fill out.

Some of these questions are optional, as some may find it personal.

So, here's how it'll work out.

There will be some sets of questions below. You can answer them in a book of your own, or just comment all your answers here. If you do decide to make a book, add #prideriseup as a tag in your book and tag us so we could find it easier.

Here are the set of questions.

1. Name and preferred pronouns

2. Sexuality, gender identity

3. LGBT idol or celebrity you look up to

4. How did you figure out your sexuality/gender identity?

5. Coming out story

Also, if you're straight and an ally, you could still partake in this with these separate set of questions.

1. Name and pronouns

2. Do you have any LGBT+ friends or family?

3. How did you find out about the LGBT community?

4. What was your first thought when you found out about the LGBT community?

5. Have you ever questioned your gender and/or sexuality but to only found out you were straight and cis? If so, what was that like?

Well, that's all the questions, if you're bot comfy with sharing some of these questions, that's perfectly fine. We would hate to get you out of your comfort level here and pressure you.

This is to just inspire some people to maybe come out or prove to some that they're not alone. Or maybe for some to just get to know you better.

If there is shown to be any hate in the comment section regarding your answers, we will get to it right away and delete those comments as well as add them to the masterpost.

We look forward to seeing you all in our comments, have a great day everyone.

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