Ivy-ridden Ruins

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Signing (Sign language) in italics.

I lift my arm to shield my eyes, basking in the sunlight after being stuck on the bus for too long. My tails swishes around behind me wildly, uncomfortable from being sat down.

Today was the last day of our second year and Principal Nezu (and probably the students) had decided we deserved some kind of treat. Aizawa, however, had a different definition of 'treat'. So, of course, the 'treat' had to be educational.

Tokoyami and Aika chuckle beside me. 

"You really hate the bus, huh?" Aika giggles, pure gold eyes shining in the sunlight.

"I can only spend so much time listening to Kaminari and Sero annoy Bakugo for so long..." I sign to them (my quirk makes me unable to talk, loudly at least)."They're so loud."

Tokoyami nods, a slight smile on his face. He learnt sign language pretty early on in our first year - just for me. "I'm surprised he didn't blow them up."

Aika giggles, a slight blush on her face. "Try dating one of them."

Kaminari yells something in response as I let out a light laugh. 

"I'd rather not." I sign.

"Ooh~ Is there someone els-?" 

"No!" I sign, frowning at her.

"Right." Aizawa says the same bitterness to his voice. 

He begins to go through the normal speech (be on our best behaviour and all). The class stands at attention, waiting to be dismissed.

"Normally, I would let you go off on your own and learn. However, the owners don't like that idea so we'll be going in a group."

A few of my classmates groan or complain, the others stunned into silence by the scenery. We're in what looks to be some sort of ruins, flax yellow bricks cracking. There are multiple different structures, a cobblestone path joining them. The bricks are lined in green, ivy climbing the pillars, hiding the writing.

"With that said," Aizawa continues. "this is Tanaka Ren. They'll be showing you around and explaining the history behind this place."

A tall, mint-green haired person with circular glasses steps up with a smile. Bakugo starts his usual charade before we begin to walk. We're lead into a large, crumbling ghost of a building. The ceiling has holes in it, letting in a dim light, but it's enough for Dark Shadow to show up and make comments about literally everything.

"Ahh! This place looks so cool!" Aika giggles with a grin, waving her hands about.

Aika is a total history buff, even though she denies it. 

"It kind of looks haunted." I sign with a slight grin.

"Ooh~ Spooky."

"Are you scared 'Kemi~?" Dark Shadow teases.

Most of my classmates use my actual name due to the fact that I have a twin (Aika). But a few, including Tokoyami, have a stubborn air to them that makes them unable. I have a feeling Dark Shadow uses a nickname for this exact reason.

I scoff. "How dare you even insinuate that I'm scared of some bricks!"

Tokoyami lets out a laugh. "You two act like siblings."

"Huh? How do we?" 

"Yeah!" Aika interrupts playfully, a grin on her lips. " Akemi hasn't ever acted like this with me!"

"That's because you're boring." I tease. 

"They do, however, act like this with Denki." Aika says with a smug grin.

"Act like what with me?" Kaminari asks, pulling the end of a charger out of his mouth.

"I'm talking about our brother, Denks." Aika explains, rolling her eyes.

Our little brother adores Kaminari because Kaminari started up a 'Denki Club' with him. They met when Aika took Kaminari home to meet our dad for the first time. Dad was wary at first but warmed up to him when our Denki, who previously hated new people (scarred by our mother's death), didn't shy away.

"Technically-" He starts.

"No. We're not married. Shut up." 

I know you want to marry him though, I think.

Aika's face is red. I smile as we continue into the ruins, descending down a wide, steep set of brick stairs.

Aika doesn't know how to deal with relationships despite being a hopeless romantic. Her face flares up and small balls of light, sparks, float around her. Aika gets all defensive, too. It's funny.

"Awe! C'mon! Don't be like that~!" Kaminari responds with a grin, relishing in my sister's suffering.

Aika begins to walk faster, a lot faster, and Kaminari follows her.

"Wow. She sucks at love." Dark Shadow mumbles.

I grin at him and nod wildly.

"You know...I used to think you couldn't talk." I sign once I calmed down a little.

"Sometimes I wish they couldn't." Tokoyami mumbles bitterly.


I smile.

At the bottom of the stairs, is a large ball of light, so bright Dark shadow hisses and disappears. It's orange in colour, swirls of red and gold dancing and flickering inside of it. It lights up the inside of what seems to be a cave with runes carved into it's grey wall.

"Woah..." Ashido mumbles. "Can we touch it?"

Ashido is so excitable. Tanaka looks at Aizawa and then us; they nod.

"Oh! Oh!" My sister coos. "Let's all touch it at the same time!"

Ashido giggles. "Awe! Yes!"

I've never actually seen them talk alone before but they act like sisters...Unfortunately.

I look at Tokoyami and shrug. 

"Eh. Why not?"

Everyone reaches forward.

. . .

A/N: Hello everyone! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! I'd just like to clear a few things up.

Akemi has a combination of their parents quirks (mother: control of water, father: dragon (horns, tail, scales, and breathing fire, as well as mild control of it). Their quirk is based on a traditional Japanese dragon, so it makes more sense to have them breathe water instead of fire as, unlike western dragons, they are more likely found in clouds or water. So, they can shoot boiling water (like a western dragon would fire) out of their mouth, which has messed up their vocal chords. 

Note: Akemi is non-binary, like myself, and should be referred to as they/them.

Aika (Akemi's twin) lacks the breathing anything part but instead has slight control of fire but not water, so she has their father's complete quirk and none of their mother's.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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