The Moonlight Night

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It was a rough night in Gotham City. I had locked up five robbers and had to stop a terrorist attack.

I was tense as the night calmed down. I was watching over an ally when I heard a commotion. It was a school bus and it was going over the edge of a bridge. I was going to do something when the Boy in Blue, Superman, came and saved the bus. I connected my com to his and I said, "Do you benchpress buses for a workout?"

He looked around and said, "Where are you, I can't hear your heartbeat."

I smirked and said, "Close."

He looked around and he saw me onto of the building. I was tired so I decided to sit down, also as an invitation for him to come and talk to me. He flew up to me and said, "Sitting down, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied, "it has been a long night."

He smiled and said, "It had been tough night for me too."

"So, why are you smiling?"

He replied, "Cause I get to talk to you now."

I blushed, so you want to play the blush game, huh Clark. "You listen to my heartbeat huh."

He blushed furiously and stuttered, "It's a habit I picked up. When we fight every ones' heartbeat is elevated, but yours is steady. I like to hear it in the back of my head."

I was about to say something when the building started shaking. It tilted forward ever so slightly, as I was sitting on the edge I fell off. I didn't fall far because Superman caught me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me to his chest. His arms wrapped around me and I stood on his feet. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I liked being close to him. I felt safe with him, it was rare that I felt protected and safe. I am so used to being the protector that I forgot what it feels like to be protected.

He said, "I never would have imagined seeing Batman clinging to me like a kitten stuck in a tree."

I smirked and replied, "Don't get too cocky."


I wrapped my legs around his waist, elevated myself so my head was above his, and put my hands on his shoulders. I leaned in closer to his face and said, "Because I always come out on top."

He blushed madly as he started stuttering, "I-I-I had no idea you could flirt."

I chuckled like it was no big deal. Why did I chuckle, I never chuckle. OMG our faces are so close together. I don't know if I'm ready to take this leap. I'm so terrified to let my walls down. I don't even smile with Dick.

He smiled softly and said, "It's alright, I won't hurt you."

I smiled a little and let my face relax into his shoulder. My com beeped and flash said, "There was just an earthquake in the area. Is everything ok?"

I replied, "Yeah it just scared a lot of people."

"Ok, bye." He said as the com went silent.

I sighed into Superman's shoulder. He put his hands on the underside of my thighs. I jumped and sat straight up, heavy blush on my cheeks.

He laughed and said, "If I can get that reaction out of you I'll do it more often."

I looked down in shame. I felt humiliated. His face dropped and he brought me into a hug saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad."

He apologized for making me sad? Clark you are a piece of work. "I have never...liked someone like this before. I'm just not used to it." I said as I buried my face in his neck in embarrassment.

He put a hand on the back of my head and said, "I'll go slow for you then."

I gave a huff in disbelief no one had ever done anything like that for me before why would he do it.

"Batman look at me, please."

I causally unwrapped my legs from his waist and put them on his feet. I moved my hands to rest on both shoulders. He readjusted his arms so his hands were resting on either side of my waist. "I would stop the Earth for you, I will do what ever it takes to make you comfortable, happy, and safe, ok? So I will take this..whatever it it as slow or as fast as you want to."

I was touched, no one had ever been so sweet to me. Cat woman was the only real relationship I had, it was more sexual then actual relationship and it didn't end well. I did something irrational, unplanned and completely unlike me. I hugged him, I basically launched my self at him as I nuzzled my face into his shoulder.

He hugged me tightly and we stayed there, just enjoying each other's company. "A date." I said.

He inhaled and said, "You really mean it?"

I smiled he sounded so childlike. I nodded and said, "Yes, a real date."

He said, "Ok I can pick you up on Friday at 3:30, does that work for you? Sorry I have to do it after work."

I looked at him and said, "I don't mind as long as we keep the masks on. For now"

He smiled at me and said, "Perfect, I can't wait."

I saw the sun starting to rise over his shoulder. I sighed and said, "Its getting late, I should probably head back."

He put me back on the building and said, "I'll try to catch you tomorrow night." He then flew off.

I went to the Batcave and sat down, my heart was racing a million miles an hour. What are you doing to me Clark? Three days that's all I had to wait before our date.

Alfred walked over and said, "What are you smiling at Master Bruce?"

I flushed red and said, "A new love interest."

"I'm sure he is a lovely fellow." Alfred responded.

"How did you know it was a guy?"

He paused, looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "I raised you, didn't I?"

"So you have always known?" I asked

He just nodded and walked away. Huh, go figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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