How you meet #2 (the others)

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'So what you have mind control powers!?"
"I guess but I was using the radio"
"Well what the fuck is up with your eyes?!"
"Well how did you think I used the radio without really touching it?"
"I don't know anymore..."

"Where's your phone?"
"Just grab your phone,please?"

You were still in much shock and sadness that you didn't care what would happen to you but you did as told

"Come on we have to hurry!"

The boy grabbed your hand leading you inside the forest, you were getting tried awfully quick and he took notice of this and sat down on the forest floor

"*sigh* what's your name?"
"Radioface yours?"
"If you knew my mom's name then shouldn't you know my name?"
"I knew your mom's name because I was told to kill her, didn't I already tell you?"
"So, your name?"
"Why? You're just going to kill me"
"Mm no I'm not"
"Uh huh well I won't even put up a fight but my names (y/n)"
"Nice name"
"Thank you? But I'm sure you also have a real name what us it?"
"Of course I do why wouldn't I? But I don't want to give you that information"

'Radioface' could see you were getting sleepy but you were forcing yourself to stay awake
"Why don't we call it a day?"

you closed your eyes pretending to be asleep waiting for him to fall asleep so you could make a run for it. But besides him killing your mom and sister his been nice a little part of you wanted to stay, thank goodness only a little bit. While you were thinking you ended up being the one to fall asleep.....and on his shoulder

"Shit...uhhh...oh well..."
"Um...night? Have a good...sleep?"
"You too"

Judge Angels

"So are there like different types of cats or is all cats 'black cats'?"
"No there's different types of cats"
"So I told you my name can you tell me yours?"

you just noticed the blood on the girl --^--

"What's wrong?"
"You blood on you"
"Ya I know I killed my dad"
"You did WHAT?!?!"
"He deserved it he kept me locked in my home and if my mom brought home anything for me then my dad would hurt my mom"
"O-oh...I'm so sorry"
"Tonight my mom told me to pack a bag while she grabbed hers my dad found out she was leaving so he killed her"
"Oh my god!"
"But its all good *mumbles--> now that he's dead"
"*Ahem* well you must have another name besides Judge Angels"
"I do....But you can just call me Angels"

Now you notice her eyes are black (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

"Why are your eyes black?"
"Oh...Your bad at noticing stuff aren't you? But my eyes are black because of something about my health when i was born....I think but even though my eyes are black I have better vision then most people"

Lost Silver

"But how do you expect me to eat a chicken nugget though?"
"Oh....So you can't move things with your mind......?"
"What?! No! Why would you think that?!"
"Oh I don't know maybe because you have no arms or legs and your levitating!"
"H- you actually almost have a good point"
"Yes, almost"
"So what the hells your name?"
"Lost Silver"
Too long
"Fine then just call me silver or gold"
Where the hell did gold come from?!
"Pokémon silver and Pokémon Gold??? they're mostly always together??? You know what j-just call me silver"
"Fine by me silver!"

Nurse Ann

"You look like a ghost!"
"I sure feel dead"

A nurse that works at the hospital your in walked in the room smiling but not the normal happy type of smile the type of smile you have when you see your crush which made you veeeeeery jealous

"Hello...Ann I hope your comfortable um so you didn't make it but the doctors were able to out you back together"
"So I'm a zombie?"
"You could say that"
"Well she just did"
"I'm sorry but who are you?"
"(Y/n), nurse (y/n)"
"Let me guess you're a nurse at a different hospital or are you a health care nurse?"
"Hospital nurse."
"Mm, well you free to go Ann"


"Why did you just stop out of nowhere? Why are you all of a sudden calm? Why do you have no eyes? Why do you want my ey-"
"Come on! Tell me your name!
"(Y/n) why?"
"You ask to many questions"
"Expect you do"
"Well bye bye"

Suicide Sadie

"So Sadie.."
Why do look like a ghost?
"Because I'm dead"
"Did you kill yourself?"
"You guessed it"

"Why are you being so calm?"
"I can't be calm?"
"You can, it's just you appeared out of nowhere right before I cut my wrists and your so damn calm!"

Guess you're right.."
"How long will it be until your father gets back?"
"Uh um he usually comes back home around 2:00 a.m"
"And you think he loves you?"
"Let's go take a walk, we can learn more about each other!"

The Dollmaker

"Hey is this doll haunted?"
"What about this one?"
"Not that one either"
"How do you know that (bf/n)?"
"why thank you for saying they're perfect but none of them are haunted"
"I'm sorry about her"
"Oh it's fine! Say since we seem to both enjoy dolls why don't we meet at (park name)(choose Rosswood!)?"
"Wonderful. Have fun!"
"Why is that good?"
"Because then I can I can watch Marble Hornets!"
"Of course that's why"
"Well goodnight to you both!
"Its morning..."
"Oh well!
"So tonight?"

Nina The Killer

"Um hello?"
"My names Nina senpai!"
"Um mines (y/n)"
"Very pretty!"
"Well I have go but I'll of course come see you everyday!"

Nina jumped out the window and right after she left you rushed to the window shut it,locked it and closed the curtains

"Great now I have a stalker!"

After THAT night you've always felt like someone was watching you. Even when you closed all your curtains locked all your doors and windows you still felt unsafe, you knew that it was that girl with the big red bow and something strange on her face. There was a knock at the door which made you jump not seeing it was 4:00 a.m. and nobody expect murders,you and collage students would be awake you went to open it but nobody was there thinking it was just a prank by some kids you went back to sitting on the your couch

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