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Authors note: Trust that things are going great with everyone. Please feel free to engage in conversations in the comment. This chapter is dedicated to Aihceee  for being my number one reader.

Amara placed her empty glass on the table and stared at him as he approached the table.
" Good day gentlemen and lady" he greeted.
" Stalking me now are you?" She said before anyone could respond to him.
He chuckled shaking his head. " For the second time today you are clearly mistaken". He looked over at Wade and Sibongile who were watching him with confused expressions.
" Aren't you going to introduce me?" He asked.
They stood immediately making way for him to sit. He sat beside Amara, her eyes were narrowed in confusion too.
" Mr. Wilfred this is my superior, Mr. Lindelani Bandile" . Wade said.
" Ah" Director Wilfred exclaimed. " My apologies. I would have welcomed you properly if i had known it was you." He said extending his hand for a handshake.
" Its allright" Mr. Bandile said.
" To be honest you are not what i was expecting. I was not expecting a young man today." Director Wilfred confessed.
The waiter came back with their foods and set it on the table carefully.
" Well, lets just say my father believes in me" Mr. Bandile said.
" May I take your order sir?" The waiter.
" I need a drink. I'll have a glass of pinot noir, if you have it."  Bandile said.
" Sir... The wine is sold by bottle only"
" Well, its a good thing i have my credit card with me. Get me the bottle". He said to the waiter who beamed happily.
" Show off" Amara under her breath.
" Sorry what was that, i didnt quite get that" he said amused .
She laid her cutlery gently on the table and faced him. " I said you are a show off."
Time seemed to stretch as the glared at each other. The others stopped eating and held their breaths as they awaited the outcome .
Bandile was the one to break the stare. He looked at Director Wilfred who smiled apologetically.
" I apologize on her behalf she—" Director Wilfred began.
" I believe you haven't introduced me to the lady"
" Hello, I am Amara. Assistant Director of Zyeson Company Limited" Amara said smiling sweetly.
" Pleased to meet you Amara, I hope we shall maintain a cordial relationship as we work together." Bandile said.
The waiter came back with the bottle of wine and poured a glass for Mr. Bandile. Now that the tension eased up a little they began discussing on the project they were to work on.


Chukwuka sat on a stool in the art studio in his home as a focused on the work in front of him. He wore a headphone on his head as he painted. It helped him focus more. He painted a lady, one like many other he had done. This one was different, her hair covered half of her face and tears rolled down her neck . She stood on a hill staring at the sunset, the other half of her face was not painted. Something like mist was emitting from her face. The grass under her feet was dead as a result of the mist. She looked sad and lost. He dropped his pallet and stood to stretch his body.
" Jesus!" He exclaimed when he looked to the door and saw a figure leaning against the door watching him.
" You should stop doing that David, you really scared me this time" he said removing his headset and placing it on the stool.
David laughed and walked over to him patting him on the back " Dont worry you'll live". He said looking at the painting." So who's the lady?."
" My sister."
" What's it about?" David asked.
" I like to think that's where she is. Staring at the sunset waiting for her body to wake up."
" Okayyy... so what's with the grass? Does she turn evil as she waits?"
Chukwuka laughed and shook his head.
" Nah, the grass is just a dramatic effect. She's been in a coma for two months now so i made it the grass begin to die off as she waits." He said. " Hopefully not too long".
David simply nodded not knowing how to reply. Genevieve's accident really hit him hard. He had been staying with Chukwuka ever since the accident. Chukwuka was quite impulsive , he feared his friend would find some other ways to cope or worse still regress back to depression.
" Look man, i hope this really helps. I have faith that Genevieve would fight hard for this. She is a very strong girl. I believe in her and you should too. She's got her whole life in front of her and she has a lot to live for. Besides you have to be strong for your mother. Have you decided to go see her yet?"
Chukwuka exhaled deeply still staring at the painting. He had not seen his mother since they left the hospital that day. He was filled with guilt and he didn't know how to face her.
" How can i face her? ... I keep thinking bro, if i had picked Genny's call that evening and heard her out. Maybe, just maybe we could have avoided this." His voice cracked at the end.
" it's not your fault Chukwuka. You didn't know this would happen. Okay look you dont have to see her today. Just call her and know how she's doing." David said handing Chukwuka his phone.
Just as Chukwuka was about to dial her number, his phone rang. It was his mother.
"She is calling"
" Answer" David said.
" Hello Mum. How are you?"
" Come to the hospital I just got a call. Genevieve moved her finger. The doctor said... he said that..."
"Wait mum calm down whats going on?"
" The doctor said she's responding to voices. I am going to the hospital right now. I have to see for myself. Call your sister and your father."
" okay mum I'll meet you there" he said ending the call.
" Whats going on?" David asked.
" it's my sister. I'll tell you on the way. Lets go to the hospital"

She's finally awake!!!!!

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Like i said before
Do not copy my work!.

Short chapter I know.
Next one would be longer.😁😁

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