Chapter 2: After School

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Josie POV

I check my watch because I just got a notification, I hope its Hope because I've been waiting for her forever.

The notification says: Dude, where are you ?! I'm at the front of the school

Shoot, I completely forgot about that. I quickly take out my phone to reply.

 I quickly take out my phone to reply

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Hope POV

I see Josie glued to her phone outside of our bio class. Just my luck to be paired with Josie, the image of perfection. Beautiful, smart, all-around amazing, nice --- shit, I can't think like this.

"You ready Saltzman?" I ask as politely as possible.

She lifts her head, a smile on her face, I'm guessing from whoever she was texting, the light hitting her face making her look like a goddess, cut it out Hope! "What took you so long? I thought you said after school its been like an hour!" Josie says with a hint of anger in her voice, I didn't know that was humanly possible for such a pure soul, its kinda hot.

I scoff, "it's only been like I dunno, 30 MINTUES, not an hour, where did you learn to count? How in the world did you not get held back in kindergarten, no need to be such a drama queen."

"Me? A drama queen, that's rich coming from you, and I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you"

"You got some nerve saying that to me, but, I'm willing to let it slide as I just finished cheer and need to get out of volcano"

"Dramatic" she mutters

"Yeah well I'm trying to get through this project with an A, which means no bad blood, at least for now."

"Wonder how long that'll last, bullying is in your nature, once a bully, always a bully" Josie says under her breath so that I don't hear it, I still did, but instead of making a snarky comment, I let it slide. Which is a first, might I add.

I lead her to my white maserati convertible (AN: I don't know cars, so I just picked a random car) and jumped in. She got in next to me and I started driving to my home, thank god mom and dad are both on a business trip this week, I don't wanna get bombarded by questions for bringing a girl home.

The car ride felt so long, just total silence, with an occasional car passing by or wave crashing or bird chirping. I never truly realized the beauty of Jo -- I mean the scenery on the way to my house. I parked my car at my family's mansions and immediately noticed another car, Marcel's. Shit! He's gonna stick his nose in my business again.

"Wow" Josie says, the awe is visible on her face as she looks at the size of my house. I lead her in and she continues living in her own little world.

"Make yourself at home, except don't touch anything without asking first and don't get anything dirty."

"You live here? It's absolutely beautiful."

"Yes, and thanks, I designed some of it."

"HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON," Marcel bellowed, "How come you didn't tell me you were bringing a friend home, I would've left."

"Yeah whatever, she's not a friend, we are being forced to work together on a project, and to be completely honest with you, I didn't remember you were home."

"My feelings are hurt."

"You have a brother?" Josie says, I almost forgot that she was behind me.

"Well are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"I don't think I really need to considering that you're loud enough to do that yourself. But whatever, Marcel meet Josie, Josie, meet Marcel, my adoptive brother and a pain in my ass."

"Gee thanks Hope, well I'm leaving, if you get yourself in trouble call me, I'm out. Bye. Nice meeting you Josie."

"Nice meeting you too Marcel"

"C'mon let's go to my room" I say leading the way.

Josie POV

This house is beautiful, everything is perfectly placed, the view is amazing. I wish I lived here. Hope's room is even more beautiful if that's possible. There are beautiful paintings, a balcony, a piano, I didn't even know that she was interested in the arts, it makes it a little less easy to hate her, but I'm sure that won't last long.

(AN: I dunno what kind of project they would do, so I'm just going to leave it a mystery. :P)

After an hour, we kind of got everything together, we decided on a project and began researching it. And before we knew it it was already 5, which meant I had to go home.

"Hey Hope"

"Yes Saltzman?"

"I need to go home now"

"K, you need a ride?"


We go back to her car, for being so rich, I'm kinda surprised her car isn't more showy. The ride to my house is painfully quiet, just like the ride from school to her house. When we arrived at my house I could see my dad and, MG What the heck is he doing there? peering through the window. This is going to a long night. 

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