Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Grace's POV

*Five weeks later*

"Just open it Grace. Please open it."

"I'm scared!" I admitted honestly, throwing the envelope halfway across the kitchen.

"You know what? If you don't open that envelope, I will." He threatened grabbing my hip and pulling me close to his body.

This was the most excited I'd felt in weeks. I smiled with flushed cheeks as I felt him squeeze my hip. It didn't feel the same as when he did it.

"Okay. Okay. I'll open it." I agreed, bending down to retrieve the large envelope.

Large envelopes were a good sign right?

I tore the end off of the envelope addressed to Lilian Grace Absure. My heart was pounding so hard and my skin heated as my shaky hands pulled out the letter.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."

I jumped up and down, throwing the letter into the air.

"What? Did you..."

"Yes! Oh my god. I got into NYU! NYU Liam!"

He let out a breath and wrapped his arms around me, his arms tight around my back.

"I'm so proud of you Grace." He breathed into my hair before planting a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"I got a scholarship Liam. It won't even come close to covering my tuition but it will help."

"This is amazing. I can't believe this! I am so happy Grace....and you still haven't gotten your letter from Columbia. How will you decide?"

" I kind of hope I don't get in so I don't have to choose."

"You'll get in."

I slid down the island and sat on the cool tile floor. Liam soon followed suit. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck. My mom will be so proud. Someone else would have been proud too. No. Don't think of him Grace. This is the first time you've smiled in weeks. I sighed. Why did I want to call him right now more than anything? I shook my head, ridding myself of these thoughts before smiling again.

"I can't believe I did it."

"You did it." Liam praised.

"We did it."

My eyes widened a little as Liam took my hand into his and intertwined our fingers. I didn't know why I was surprised. We'd made out like three times since Harry broke my heart. He was understanding about my feelings. He knew I wanted to take things slow. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to jump into a relationship at all. I still thought about him for a split second every time I opened my eyes in the morning. I dreamed about him nearly every night.

On the fifth school day after Harry broke up with me, I saw him sitting with Calum in the cafeteria. He didn't notice me and I sat down at other end of the café, watching from afar. At first, he looked completely miserable. He wasn't showing any emotion or laughing at any of Calum's bad jokes. I could see dark circles under his eyes and I couldn't help but to wonder if he was having trouble sleeping like I was. I was almost relieved that he was having a hard time like me. Almost. But then something happened.

A girl from my psychology class named, Diane walked up to Harry's table. He looked up, his expression blank for a moment before something registered. He smiled at Diane and she blushed, sitting down right beside him. I watched as they talked and laughed with one another. Harry asked her something and her face flushed as she nodded. I tried not to hate the girl but it was hard.

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