Chapter 9

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 You and Asahi played a few rounds of (Favorite Game) until you heard your mom come home from work. Sticking the game on pause, you stumbled out of your room and looked for her. "Ma, how was work?" You stood in front of the door way and looked at her.

"Oh it was great. The client who wanted that big butterfly mural found the perfect spot! It is going to be by an elementary school." She smiled and looked at a pair of shoes she knew where not her husband's or daughter's. "Oh, is Asahi here?"

As if on cue he stepped out of your room wondering where you went. "Hello Mrs. L/N." He gave a friendly smile.

"Aw Asahi. I hear you are back on the volleyball team. That is wonderful! Y/N says you came into practice like a bad ass."

Ashai turned red and rubbed the back of his head. "Ah well I wouldn't say that."

"Whaaat? You totally where! You were all like 'SUGAAAAAA!'" you mimicked him, "Then hit the ball so hard I am pretty sure it could break someone's arm!" You jumped up and pretended to spike a ball.

Your mom laughed. "I am sure it was amazing. We will have to go see you play again." She smiled brightly. "Ready to go? I am just going to change, say hi to your father and then we can go."

"Oh! Asahi is gonna come help me pick out an outfit. That's okay right?" You nodded and smiled that smile you knew would charm your parents.

She laughed and walked towards your father's office. "Of course. Hello? I am home." She shut the door and had a conversation with him.

You turned to Asahi and poked his stomach. "You should give your self more credit sometimes. You really are amazing Asahi." 

If there were a brighter shade of red, it would be named Asahi because this boy, felt his face heat up in embarrassment and being caught off guard that you talk about him to your parents. He laughed nervously and nodded. 


You laughed at your giant friend and kept poking his side. He smiled and chuckled trying to move away from you but your smirked and kept poking him.

"Hey!" he tried to move around your hand then started poking you and you let out a loud laugh.

He knew were ticklish and started getting back at you and your laughter grew.

"A-Asahi!" Tears were forming from how hard you were laughing. You grabbed his arms and tried to relax. "I s-surrender! I surrender!" Letting out another string of laughter.

Asahi laughed and eventually stopped when your mother came out from your parents room and smiled at you guys. "You both are hyper today."

Trying to calm down and wiping your tears away, you guys apologized. It had been a while since you laughed that hard and it made your side hurt even more. But, it was okay because you were happy.

At the mall you guys looked in a few stores and you didn't really find anything that stood out to you. The three of you sat at a table enjoying a cup of lemonade from one of the kiosks. You wondered why you were getting so worked up about some outfit you would probably only wear once. You didn't really care if you looked fancy, but this is what you do when you meet your boyfriend's parents right? You are supposed to look nice, and pretty. It was so foreign to you since you only dressed up for school events, art shows for your parents, softball dine ins and of course when your grandmother came to visit. 

"Let's look at a few more shops then maybe try again tomorrow if you don't like anything." Your mother reassured you. 

You nodded and stood up. "Sounds good."

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