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Darkness was all she could see... The world was silent and cold... She stepped out of line, she said one thing wrong, and now? Now the world has turned its back and left her to die alone...

"One, two we're coming for you," a voice sang through the and the world began to flicker. "Three, four we need more," she ran.

"Five, six will it mix?" Another voice sang as she tripped, "Seven, eight you're too late." She cried as claws came from the dark and dragged her back. "Nine, ten let's do it again!"

She couldn't breathe... She looked around frantically and saw what looked to be a bear hiding behind a pillar as the world became a bit brighter. The bear stared at her before grinning, it's teeth stained with blood, scratches all across its arms creating patterns that looked like mouths, its eyes were gone, and blood stained it's fur.

"Eleven, twelve it's the final bell," it sang walking towards her as bells chimed softly in the distance.

She curled in on herself as the bear whispered and sang, it's voice mimicking her friends' voices.

She awoke and got ready gor school, shaking off her nightmare. She pretended to be ok till fifth hour... She broke then but didn't let it show. She drew a unrealistic sketch of the bear on the back of her notebook while one of her friends tried to make her smile by showing her pictures of kittens.

Someone asked her what the sketch was and she replied, "Just something from a nightmare." She hid the sketch from view as she left the room for her next class.

She tripped and fell, dropping some of her things. She panicked expecting to see the creature from her dream, she didn't and scrambled to pick up her things before someone coyld ruin them. No one would see just how much she feared her nightmare because they only get a peek at her fears... If she told them, would they laugh? Would they tease her for it? Would... Would they understand?

"Your alone,"


"Everything they don't want"

"Face it... No one would really notice if you... Disappeared."

She shook the thoughts away and continued on with her day. She wasn't ready to let go. She didnt what her friends to have to deal with her as a burden. She was to selfish to let them go... So she hide her fears, thoughts and negative emotions away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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