Chapter 16

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We walk back into Wade's house in the early hours; the sun just peaking above the trees. I have to admit I feel rejuvenated for letting my wolf run. I feel powerful, I feel a little more in control of my situation. I wonder how long I have before Samual comes back?

"Wade, thank you for running with me" I say, he smiles and moves closer to me. I want to pull away, but I want a favour from him so I allow him to lay a soft kiss on my cheek, his touch making lightning shoot through my body 'what was that?' I yelp at my wolf

'Mate' she responds, I swear at her. My wolf was a strong powerful wolf, now she's behaving like a stupid pup.

"Would I be able to use a phone? I want to know how my father is getting on, and I'm sure he wants to hear from me" I keep my voice light, but my heart is punching a hole in my ribcage. I wait, he looks like he's thinking, my hope begins slipping until he breaks the silence "Of course, there's one in dad's study, I'll find the key" he turns from me, and I let out a sigh. A fire ignites within me, it starts in my stomach and spreads to the tips of my fingers. I'm going to get Christopher out of here.

I follow Wade, he pulls a key from a cupboard and then goes through the house. He unlocks the door and gestures for me to go in "Thank you, I won't be long" I smile politely

"Here, the key, so you can lock it after" he hands me the brass key. I thank him again before shutting the door.

I bolt to the desk, the old rotary phone sitting on the right hand side. Why does he have that? That's going to take ages to dial. But I start, hearing the tick of the dial go back with each number. I get to the last number and press the black phone to my ear, I hear the ring then it goes dead. I look to the phone then up...

My stomach drops like a stone, Samual's stood with a smirk holding the phone line in his hand. "Think we can phone daddy? Think again" he drawls before he lunged towards me. He pins me against the book case behind the desk, his face cherry red, inches from mine. "You lose Princess" his spits before I see his eyes cloud.

"NO!" I struggle against his strong grip, as he's focused on the mind link I'm able to twist my arm free and knock my palm into his chin. He recoils the mind link disconnected. He sneers towards me his canines extended. "Your brother will pay for that, but first you will" he's on me again in a blink, his forearm against my neck. I rip at his arm as my airway's shut off.

"Adelaide! Everything OK?" I hear Wade's voice on the other side of the door. Samual drops his arm and quickly bolts over the desk. He gets to the door just as Wade begins to open it. "Son, apologies it's me. Adelaide isn't here. Please tell me how it's going" Samual squeezed through a gap in the door and closes it. I hear the grind of the key as it's locked.

I rub my neck taking deep breaths of oxygen. I frantically look around for the cord. I find it but when I go to plug it in Samual's ripped the connector from the cord. Fuck. I pull at drawers in the desk to see if there's a spare cord but all the drawers are locked. Panic replaces the fire.

I feel the tiny weight in my jeans. I slip the key from my pocket and unlock the door. I peek out, coast is clear. I'm not going to wait for him to get back, I walk quickly from the office making my way up the stairs.


Dad's been asking about my 'relationship' for an hour. I don't get why he's so damn interested. I avoid the questions I can, I want him to believe that I have a chance with the princess. And after last night maybe I do. She was alive in the woods, I've never met someone as enchanting as her.

I half listen to dad prattling on about how we're going to have strong beautiful pups. I'm shattered; we spent all night running and I was planning on going to bed. But then I thought I heard the princess shout in dad's study; my mind must have been playing tricks though, it was just dad.

"Dad... dad please shut up", he furrows his brows at me, I see a flash of anger so I quickly continue "I've been up all night-"

"Oh! Of course you have" he winks at me which is mildly embarrassing, I shrug "Yes, go get some sleep. But I want dinner with the both of you" I agree just so I can leave.

I rub my face as I head upstairs. Exhaustion sending shivers down my back. I can't wait to just climb into bed, get a few hours. I'm just thinking I'm not going to make it to bed and will just fall where I stand, when I open my door. The sight in front of me makes my eyes wide.

The princess fast asleep on my couch, why isn't she in her own room? I quietly make my way across the room. I don't want to wake her, but what's she doing here? Well she can't sleep on the couch she's much too good for that.

I carefully take her weight in my arms, her head lolls against my shoulder. She looks so peaceful, her face relaxed in sleep. She never looks this relaxed normally, it must be so hard to be royalty. Others constantly wanting her attention and her opinion. I'm sure she can never be herself, maybe she'll learn to be herself with me. She doesn't need to be anyone other than herself for me.

I carry her to my bed covering her with the comforter. She shifts slightly when my arms have pulled away but then she's still. She speaks of being a fighter, a strong one. But as I watch her thin arm rest on the pillow next to her, I can't see it. Maybe they let her win? I know I would pretend to lose against her.

I sit on the couch and feel my eyes grow heavy as the I let the darkness of sleep take hold.

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