Chapter 37

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I scream and stumble back. Why is he free? Why is he kneeling like he's getting a medal or commendation... what the fuck is going on!

Wade catches me before I fall to the ground, "Alpha. It's wonderful to see you!" his smug voice turns my blood cold.

"That's all I need, arrest him." Father commands from his throne. Instantly guards are around the man, "What?... what's going on? Alpha?" the man struggles against the two guards clasping shackles around his wrists. Wade begins to shake, his hands clenched in fists as he walks from me. I don't stop him.

Wade turns the man to look at him "You raped her you bastard" the colour drains from his face

"W-Wade... It's not what you think."

"Oh it's exactly what I think. What kind of wolf are you. We protect our females. You're a disgrace" Wade's voice laboured with fury. "Take him away" my father spits, he seems just as angry as Wade.

While this has been going on, no-one has noticed I've lost control to my wolf. She's transformed and I can only watch as I snarl to get the man's attention, who's being led to a side door. "Adelaide... no" Father's slowly walking towards me. I don't have much time. I leap to the scarred man... well he'll be scarred more when I'm finished.

Mid air I'm tackled to the ground, I feel canines against my neck as I'm pinned by a huge black wolf. "I'm going to rip his throat out!" I struggle against him as he puts his weight over me preventing me from moving. If his teeth weren't on my scruff I'd have gotten out from under him, "Marc get off!" I'm panting with the effort of shaking my brother off.

I'm pinned for what feels like ages. Wade's lying in front of me. Trying to calm me down, my wolf won't relinquish control though, she's furious she was stopped from killing the man that hurt me when she couldn't protect me. Marc's released my neck and just has his front paws on me. I could get out but I would hurt Wade so I don't. Wade's stroking down my snout which I like, my wolf likes too. I see the opening and slip back to the front, taking back control.

"OK, It's me" I say up to Marc who steps off with a small huff. A blanket is thrown over me so I transform back, wrapping the warm material around my naked form. Wade sits and drapes a leg over mine and the other behind my back "We had a plan Dels..."

"You could have told me" he pulls me into his chest so all his limbs are protecting me... and probably to stop me doing anything.

"It's fine" father sounds gruff, stressed. "I'll get a confession out of him another way."

"Do you not believe me?" Wade's limbs tighten around me,

"Of course I do... I just want him to confess then I can make an example of him" father responds, my nails dig into Wade's wrist. "Y-y-you're not going to tell everyone what happened to me." I panic, he can't tell people. No-one can know.

"No child, just his crime," he reassures, I take a breath, releasing Wade's wrist from my grasp. Father taps Wade on the shoulder who untangles himself from me and stands. Father lifts me to my feet to pull me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you," his protective arms tightening around me. 

"Thank you" I don't know what else to say. It warmed me that father said that with so much sincerity. "Go relax, have a bath. Wade will be up soon" I look to both of the men questioningly but they don't elaborate. And to be honest... I didn't much care in that moment.

I run my circular jacuzzi bath adding everything in it. Bubble bath, salts, bathbombs... honestly everything you could think of I chucked in... of course all the scents complimented each other, or it wouldn't be very relaxing. I sit in the bath, the water reaching up to my shoulders. I've run it a little too hot but it feels lovely. Stretching under the scolding water I allow my thoughts to drift over everything that's happened. 

The Moon Goddess matched Wade and I, but with Wade's father's actions it's been a hellish journey to him. But I feel it's all worked out. If you'd have told me four months ago where I'd be now, I'd have laughed at you. But, I'm content again. This is my new life, a life I'm looking forward to.

I must have dozed off because I'm awoken to Wade sliding into the seat of the bath next to me. "Jeez, how hot was this at the beginning?" I shrug noticing blood on his face; it's not his. There's also some in his hair. "If you tried to wash the blood off before, you failed" I muttered cupping water and washing his hair and face. "Sorry, I thought I got it all" I shrug again, as long as he's dead I don't care. I lean my head on Wade's shoulder "We don't have to do anything tonight, It's been a strange day." He mumbles, slipping his arm around my back.

"You're naked in my bath... I'm supposed to resist?" Yeah that's not happening. His laughter rumbles in his chest. I close my eyes again, just enjoying his skin against mine. "Good point" his hands are on my hips and quick as a flash he's pulled me so I'm straddling him. His eyes roam my chest which is now proud above the surface.

Our lips crash together and I'm moaning into his mouth as his hands begin in to roam. "Mark me" I grip onto his shoulders as he breaks away. His eyes search mine, "You sure?" his thumb runs along my cheek. "Yes" I breath as I nibble on his lip.

"I love you" his voice husky while he looks deep into my eyes, I notice flecks of dark green within the light until his pupils dilate all the way... and then they turn ice blue as his wolf comes to the front. His lips and canines scrape down my neck in wet kisses. He stops at the right place between my neck and shoulder.

"I love you too".

Please vote if you enjoyed! I wanted to thank those that have read this far!

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