Chapter:12 about last night

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Jack G POV:

I can't sleep I can't...I did something really bad tonight...I made out with my ex girlfriend Kayla...God I feel terrible I was drunk and I wasn't is Michelle going to take this oh she will hate me and break up with me...or worse Kayla and her posse will tell her and that will be even bad....but thank god nothing else happened we just kissed

(Let's just pretend it's school already)

I saw Michelle walking up to me hugging me and so happy...God I don't wanna break her heart😩

Michelle POV: Jack g looked unhappy like something was completely wrong....

Jack are you ok I ask...

No I'm not I need to tell you this so I can get this off my chest...

Well say it I demanded

Last night me and my ex girlfriend made out but It was a dare and I was drunk I couldn't sleep al night knowing this happened and your probably mad now but we only made out and I pushed her away and realized how stupid I was and ran out her room....I'm sorry i really am....

I'm really shocked oh what happened but at least I didn't have to hear it from that slut Kayla....and you promise that was a the happened...

Yes he hugged me and we both left to our I opened my locker I saw a note and a flash drive...the note said: keep your boyfriend on a Leash sweetie xxx Kayla...I already had a clue what happened but good thing I had my Mac book pro with me for my writing class...

It was already launch so I sat next to Jack and Jack....and I was very courious what was in the flash drive. So I asked Lana to come with me to the football field to watch the video...we both left our seats and left to the field...

I opened my Mac book and was scared to watch whatever was on this flash drive....I put the flash drive in and my ear phones and gave one to Lana to let her was dark and I could hear was moaning and a tall fellow on top on someone....I already knew it was Jack g..but who was the girl....I gave a closer look and I saw,something I didn't want to see....Kayla....she made a sex tape on her and Jack last night...I amediatly closed the Mac book in shock and tears flowing and Lana looked at me so disappointed to Jack...I grabbed my bag and flash drive clenched in my hand and ran into the cafeteria and ran up to jack and shoved him


What are you talking about Jack mumbled..


everyone in the cafeteria was in complete silence except the only one Kayla....and I pointed at her


I went crying and out onto the field and sat on the bleachers...and Lana and Sammy followed....Sammy asks what what was the video about...I cryed it was a sex tape of Kayla and Jack g from last and him are done I never want him to talk to me unless he has a good explanation for this...Sammy says are you sure it was him...yes Sammy it was I yelled....ok but Jack told me that When him and Kayla were dating they had a sex tape and Jack told her to throw it out and she didn't and that's why they broke up....

Lana...that's kinda true Michelle plus that video did kinda look old...

Idk I will have to see what Jack says when he comes to explain...

Since it was senior ditch day and we were allowed to leave early...

I left with Sammy and Lana to my house to hang...

Michelle POV

We all arrived to my house and we go upstairs to my room and sat on my bed...

Then I hear a knock from my balcony that had a ladder that connected my house to jacks opened and the room got quiet I turn around and to my surprise I saw Jack g....

Now Michelle I know your probably still mad at me and we broke up but you didn't give me a chance to explain myself...

Fine I rolled my eyes...

Michelle that video was old...when me and Kayla were dating she made a sex tape of us and if we ever broke up she would threaten me with it and show the whole I told her to to throw it out but she didn't so I broke up with her... As you can see she ruined us because she was JELOUS!...Michelle I would never want to hurt you I love you...your the only girl I only felt real about...that accually really loved..ever since I saw walk through those doors of the main office I knew you had to be mine and I miss you so much...I miss the way you smile...I miss your light brown and green eyes...I miss your soft lips on mine...I love all parts of you and all your flaws....

I looked down and Jack piced my chin up and kissed me...I looked back up and said Jack that was the most sweetest thing anyone has ever said....of course I will forgive you...then may I...I looked confused... He pulled out a promise ring Michelle Ray may I have the honor will you may be my girlfriend....the room was completely silent....yes I will Mr. jack glinsky...he hugs me and Picks me up and spins me...and we start to kiss...there were claps from Sammy Lana...but Jack if you pull something like this and hurt me were done forever...he kisses my head and says I promise my queen..Jack let me Down and put the ring on me,and my face was lit up with joy...

Awe Jack it's beautiful I smiled

Ik Michelle just like you..

I hug Jack and pull him in for another kiss...

Well Michelle I got to go bye baby I love you and will text you later

Bye Jack,I kiss him on the cheek and he left in a blink...

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