Chapter:39 telling sammy

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Michelle's POV:

I woke up with a knock at my bedroom door I opened it and saw sammy I hugged him and the both of us sat on my bed.

Sammy:so what's up?

Michelle: ok so me and Jack you know did it and now I'm.....

Sammy: your what?

Michelle: I'm I'm I'm pregnet.

Sammy:no way you can't be!

Michelle: yes I am now shut your mouth I'm not ready to tell Jack yet so I will tell him tomorrow. T you can't say anything Samuel! Got it?

Sammy:yes ok i promise but wow. Jack will love this news he loves kids.

Michelle:really he does? Since when I though he was "the big bad boy"

Sammy:well he is but he also got a soft side.

Michelle:sammy your best friend a girl could ever have! Now get out I'm tierd.

Sammy left and I texted Jack to come to my house tomorrow. And I fell asleep the whole day dreaming about the baby.

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