I wanted to die

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I wanted to die
To stop the suffer
To stop the pain
To fall in my abyss
To be swallowed by darkness...

Without realizing the gift of life
Without seeing the beauty of a lie
Ignoring the sunlight
Ignoring the nature

I was lost in nothing
My life was grey and dull
I was broken and fallen
My life was a pointless suffering

Not to struggle
To die young as a hero
It sounds so appealing
But was it worth it?

I wanted to die

To close my eyes forever
Never open them ever again
Rest for all eternity

Nothing just empty cold
Never see again those beautiful lies
Just painful truth

Or was death the beautiful lie?
A fake promise to end all the pain?
What makes us so sure?
Is death really the cure?

Which one is it now?
Which one is the lie, which one the truth?
What is wrong, what is right?

Are we lying to ourselves?
To keep hope and to go on
Vague answers but no realisation

I open my eyes
Dazzling sun
Bright colours
No more whines

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