Chapter 6: project at a warm home

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(I'm so sorry guys for my absence. I just didn't have any motivation to write I hope all of you understand)

Dean hoped, no he wished he never ever had to go to school. Never see Castiel, and this darn red string again. He hated fate, wanted life to actually have choices instead of this story we are all secretly following.

Everything felt like it was scripted to him, but he still sat in his seat every morning. He still woke up to his grumpy father. Why? Honestly he doesn't know. Maybe it's for Sammy, maybe I'll be someone someday, maybe.... he just kept telling himself this till he found a reason to wake up.

Dean heard his teacher call out names for a project. He could care less until he heard his name and Cas'. Shock ran through his veins, sending cold shivers up and down his spine. There's no way...

His eyes met with Cas', his stunning electric blue eyes capturing every thought. Dean tried to hold a smile just to be polite. He was unsure of the outcome. He just knew this had to be the strings fault. It pulls the chosen lovers together no matter what.

"Sooo...." he let his words hang in the air for a minute, " Do you want to meet at my place? Or do you want to do the project at yours?" Dean hesitantly asked. Cas just smiled he tried to push what happened that unfaithful night aside, and focus on the now.

"Well what ever suits your likings better, is good with me" Castiel said. Dean pondered for a moment. He thought about his father, and his brother.

"Umm well if it's fine with you I'd rather do our project at your place. It's just I uhhh haven't cleaned my room in like forever so it's really gross. I don't want you to see that" Dean kept on going and going with his lie. Honestly he could do better, but Castiel's eyes were just unbearable. Those eyes would make him melt into a puddle.

"Sure Dean, like I said anything that suits you is fine by me" Cas said reassuring the panicking man beside him.
(Time skip brought to you by my almost non-existent creativity)

"Whoa nice place" Dean said in awe as they pulled up to seemingly perfect home. It has everything dean could've ever wanted. A big front yard with grass and an old tree, a brick walk way leading up to the big white and brick house, big windows, and just the feeling of home. It was warm enough for him to just settle down.

"Thanks I grew up here with my big family. Though most of my sisters and brothers are gone now. It's just me and my sister Hanna and my brother Gabriel, also my parents but we rarely see them because of there job" Cas said as sad look slightly covering his features. Dean wondered how lonely he must feel, but he pushed that all aside to focus on the task at hand.

Dean and Cas walked into the house, Castiel leading the way to his room. Dean takes in every detail the house has to offer. From pictures on the walls to forgotten papers on tables, he found everything to feel well you know like a home. They made their way upstairs where Castiel's room stood.

Dean could tell just by the way the room felt that Cas spent most of his time in here. "Well this is my room and uhh we could work in here unless you want to work out there in the kitchen?" Cas asked almost worried Dean was uncomfortable. Dean shook his head he liked the feel of Cas' room.

He sat down on the floor and pulled out his materials for the project. "So what are we going to plan on doing? We have to do something related to the way of life." Dean said focused on his folder more than Cas.

Cas sat down next to him and pulled out his own materials. He opened his laptop and got ready to search for anything. "Well I was sort of thinking we could do something about like myths of the world and provide facts of their origins." Cas said as he fumbled around with his pencil bag. Dean looked at Cas while he thought about everything he just said. "Yeah that sounds great but how is that a way of life?" Dean asked.

"Well it's about culture and the way humanity has told tails over time" Cas answer Dean's reasonable question. Dean nodded he liked Cas' idea, not like he could come up with anything better.

(Honestly I would love to hear some of the myths you guys grew up with)

Dean and Cas researched many different myths and legends that where all scattered across the world. Many of them Dean found very interesting, he figured he would look up some of the tails later on. Through research the two realized that it was really quiet.

"Hey um Cas do you think you could play some music. It's kinda quiet in here" Dean said while he moved his pencil around his fingers. Cas nodded as he stood up. He walked up to his radio and place a CD he had there.

From the little radio a soft song began to play. Dean couldn't recognize the song so he listened carefully. It was nice, it really felt calm. "What's the name of this song?" Dean asked as he kept listening. "Space song by beach house, I'm sorry if it's not the type of music you like. I uhh tend to listen to this type of music to help me concentrate." Cas nervously said. "No it's fine I actually kinda off enjoy it. Normally I listen more old rock, but this is nice for a change." Dean replied.

Cas smiled he was happy that Dean liked his music. It made him feel like they might have a chance in becoming friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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