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"So you just said yes without knowing any of the details relating to the job he offered you after seeing you for the first time in like 18 months? You, the queen of a million questions didn't have a single one?" Johnna grills from the other side of my bedroom. She has been saying the same thing in different ways for the past hour, watching as I stuffed my suitcase full of everything I would need for a world tour.

It had been two weeks since Harry showed up unexpectedly, sang a song about me in a bar we used to frequent together, and offered me a job working with him on his tour.

A tour and job I was very, very excited for.

For once in my life I stuck by my don't-think-just-answer 'yes,' I felt like this was an opportunity that had been put into place long before I or even Harry knew. I was that confident in my decision.

"Jon, I'm going. You can't stop me or try to get me to question my decision." She lets out a frustrated huff, running her hands through her hair and over her face.

She's the reasonable friend who weighs the pros, cons, and every other aspect of every choice to every decision. Down to what coffee flavor she wants at Starbucks.

"God you're so hardheaded sometimes, Alex. What are you gonna do about rent? You're on a lease." I knew she would ask that.

"Dallon is going to stay here while I'm gone." It wasn't ideal, allowing my older 'frat boy' brother to stay in my neat apartment but he would make sure rent got paid and nobody messed with my stuff, even if he was the biggest partier.

"Dallon?! Do you remember what happened when he apartment sat for your mom? He's a FRAT BOY... he lives to party!" She right, but she isn't gonna change my mind.

"Jon I'm not gonna do this with you anymore. I'm going and you're not gonna use logic to stop me."

She breathes out a heavy sigh, moving from her spot on the bed towards me. She picks up my favorite sweatshirt from the end of the bed and hands it to me, to be put in my suitcase.

"Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." She must be talking about the fact that I am in love with Harry.

"I'll be fine. I promise." I say, zipping my suitcases and rolling them to the front door as she follows.

Once we say our goodbyes and she leaves, I'm finally on my own. Even though I'm confident in my decision I'm still super nervous. I've always been fairly confident around guys, the confidence faltered a bit after Harry left but after a while I got over it.

I mentally coached myself into the mindset that if I could get a celebrity, I could get anyone. So naturally I knew I could have Tyler wrapped the moment he came up to talk to me.

"Fuck." I curse under my breath. I hadn't spoke to Tyler since the day after Harry came to my apartment to see me. Of course he hadn't bothered to call or text, either.

I pull out my phone and dial his number, listening to it ring and hoping he picks up.

I don't wanna have to search for him, it's wrong but I would rather do this on the phone than in person.

"Well if it isn't the amazing disappearing Alexandra." He says in a joking tone. I can hear loud music in the background, people laughing and talking , "whats up?"

If he's wasted this isn't going to be good. Or maybe it will be better if he's wasted.

Why would he be wasted on a Tuesday, Alex?

"Are you drunk?"

"About halfway there. Why what's up?" The music dies down, signaling he's went outside or into another room.

"I got a job. A new job and I'm super excited for it. But it means I have to be gone for a few months because it's a fashion designer job for a guy on a world tour." I spill, chewing the inside of my cheek.

It wasn't like I loved Tyler, but we had been on again off again since we met. I met him at one of Dallon's birthday parties after Harry left, when he saved me from my ex who had me cornered in the kitchen. He was a good person to talk to and we hit it off.

"Jesus Al, that's awesome dude." He was further than halfway drunk, he only called me dude when he was plastered. "When do you leave?"

"In the morning." The sound that came out of his mouth was one between a choke and a laugh.

"Oh uh, well that's great Alex. Maybe I can come visit you on the road sometime. I'm really gonna miss you. You should come here to say bye, we can bang one out before you leave." I cringed at his words, he has looks but definitely the kind and mouth of a frat boy. No wonder him and Dall are such good friends.

"I'd rather not 'bang one out' before I leave."

"Dude! Just come over! Or I'll come there."

"No you really don't need to drive-"

"Luka! Luka! Are you drunk? Can you drive me to Alex's? Alex I'm coming to you." The sound of his voice is replaced with a hang up tone, before silence. It didn't take long for the silence to be replaced with banging on my door. I could smell the alcohol on him before he even walked in.

"My breath probably smells like vodka. Party was a hiiiiit!" He towered over me, blonde curls bouncing as he shuffled inside. The curls were the only thing that reminded me of Harry, I went for everything opposite of him.

Loud, obnoxious, pale, blonde, and mildly stupid.

Let's face it - there's only a definite amount of drug and drink combos you can mix before you start killing your brain cells. And Tyler had tried them all, multiple times I'm sure.

"A party on a Tuesday?" I question, closing the door and picking up the clothes he was taking off on the way in.

Okay but why has my living room turned into a strip club?

"What are you doing?" I watch as he fumbles with his belt, trying desperately to rid himself of the jeans.

"Thought we were banging." He says, throwing his hands up beside his head.

"I said no, and stop saying banging. You're 24, not 14." Tossing him the shirt and walking towards my bedroom. I know he's gonna stay all night, but within an hour he'll be passed out  and he won't wake till noon, saving me the goodbye talk.

I watch as he saunters past me, throwing himself on my side of the bed.

"So you're really leavin then? Like packin your bags and shit." He's watching me with his hands behind his head, feet crossed at the ankles like he's as comfortable as he's ever been in his whole life.

"They're already packed." I reach for the light and crawl into bed beside him, he might be annoying but he was a comfortable place for me.

Something I knew, and would always know.

We laid there in silence, shoulder to shoulder until I rolled over onto my side, him falling in behind me and draping his arm over my waist.

"I'm really proud of you, Al. Takes a lot of courage to drop familiarity for the unknown, bravery, confidence and courage are the only three things you need to succeed ." I don't say anything, I just sit and mewl over his statement as my eyes get heavier. I hear light snoring drifting up from behind in a matter of minutes.

Maybe he's not that stupid after all.

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