The "talk"

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I felt how shikamaru & ino step away knowing something was going on , I turned to see were shikamaru used to sit minutes ago to my surprise he was gone with ino. I couldn't blame them I earthier would want to see and hear my friends discuss.

I sighed I  wasn't in mood of figthing today .So I just turn my glance to the other side of the room were a couple was sitting they looked kinda cute until they started kissing  I turned my gaze to give them privacy. But I still had a man with black hair and onyx eyes looking at me with piercing eyes.

" Just stop" I told to him in a annoyed voice turning my gaze to the still kissing couple

" I know your mission" sasuke answered

I looked at him , I wasn't speacting that at all... It's supposed to be secret I didn't hide my surprise and open my eyes as much as I could ,  man!! this conversation was going to drive me crazy!


" I knew it since some  strange chakra  I know  has been in the air"

" ... and why you didn't tell the goidame"

" I wasn't sure It was from my family or Hyugas... I sure knew it ... I knew I had sense it before but I wasn't sure ,until it grew stronger and I knew it was from the Uchiha family .. My blood"

" ..."

" Sakura ... I'm not the only one.... I'm not the  only survivior"

I could see in his eyes hope a little light that came out when he told me that , I couldn't answer , He was not supposed to know about the mission ... but it was sort off his right I mean It is his blood after all... but dang am I supposed to tell him I'm the corrupted?

"  Have you find the one that's getting his contacting with?"

" No ..."  I lied  I didn't want him to get involved I would tell him for sure when I find him but not that I was the corrupted

" need to tell me sakura ... please when you find him I need to know who is he or her."

" I will .... I ..I need to go" I told him and  turned my back and walked away

This is going to be hard .. there's no way I can scape from this ... SASUKE ALREADY KNOWS!!! I was deep in my thoughts I arrived home in less than 5 minutes ... DANG !! I FORGOT TO EAT!!!

I walked into my home to my surprise my parents were asleep in the coach my dad hugging mom , I entered the kitchen grab some food and went up stairs... I forgot my drink I thought when I went t the kitchen again and  grabbed a bottle of water  I saw tru the window shikamaru was walking home ino , they look cute I thought  . I let them some privacy and went up I had my "lunch" and lay in the bed  my eyes were feeling heavy I could tell I needed to sleep this was a long day I relaxed my self  and could tell I felt asleep because in a blink of eyes I was in a garden full of tulips of color white the view was amazing , I run a little and let myself fall into the tulips ... Yeah definitely a dream come true...

                                                                               ...Be aware...

  I opened my eyes as soon as I heared that voice again , when i sit I had the man sitting near me 

" You have a nice imagination" the  man told

" I ah ... Hi " I was embarrsed did he had  a cronometer when I was relaxed or something !! In my best dreams he usually appers!!

" No I don't ... I wish I had " the man answered shortly

" WHAAA" he dissapered ... okay this is getting weird , I turned my gaze  to my left side and there he was ...

" I can kind of read you mind"


" .."

" I ah .... what's your name again?"

" Shisui ... Uchiha Shisui"

"  Haruno Sakura" I said extending my hand

" I know who you are you are a kunuichi from the age of sasuke , you are the goidames apprendice , you are sorta genious and the second best  medic nin"

 .................Okay I didn't speact him to know that much of me....................


Hi guys this is the new chap I hope you guys enjoy, please leave comments and remmember I don't own naruto !!

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