Chapter 6

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It was now morning and Mabel woke up on her bed.

"Uggh, what time is it?" Mabel asked rubbing her eyes.

She turned to her right and looked at her clock that read 8:30 AM.

"Might as well go eat breakfast and start the day already." Mabel thought as she slid out of bed.

"Morning Dipp-"said Mabel, suddenly realizing that her brother wasn't on his bed.

"Dipper?" she called out a little louder.

Then she remembered what he had done yesterday.

"Oh, right." Mabel said suddenly feeling mad.

"He's probably just monster hunting or something." Mabel said to herself while rolling her eyes, "Oh well, why should I care? More 'Mabel Toast' for me then!"

Mabel went down the stairs and suddenly smelled something really good coming from the kitchen.

"Grunkle Stan? Did you finally make us something good to eat for once?"

"What are you talking about?" Grunkle Stan asked, coming out of his room, "I'm just as surprised as you are!"

They both walked into the kitchen; trying to figure out who was making such a sweet smell.

"Di- Dipper?!" Mabel asked in shock.

"Oh, hey guys!" Dipper said while placing down a plate of pancakes on the table.

"I hope you don't mind, but I made breakfast!" Dipper said with a small smile.

Mabel was about to say something when Grunkle Stan got in the way, "Don't mind if I do!"

He sat down at the seat that already had pancakes and immediately started scarfing them down.

Mabel sat down at the table as Dipper placed down her plate of pancakes.

Mabel looked at her pancakes and saw that there was a sentence written in syrup.

"I'm sorry"

Mabel looked at Dipper as he was placing down his last plate of pancakes.


"Yeah?" he answered back

"Can I talk to you in the living room for just a sec?"

"Sure." he said, taking his apron off.

They both walked to the living room in silence and then Mabel spoke up.

"What's this all about Dipper?" Mabel asked, crossing her arms.

Dipper sighed, "Look, I feel really bad about what happened yesterday. It's just that-" Dipper sniffed, "after what happened with Bill that day, I'm starting to believe that trusting no one is what's right."

Dipper then couldn't handle it and started crying.

"Dipper..." Mabel said, now feeing a little bad.

"I don't know why I yelled at you," Dipper sniffed again, "but that's no excuse for how I treated you."

"Dipper stop," Mabel said, now with small tears falling down her face, "I can't stand seeing you cry."

"It's just that- I don't want you to stay mad at me for the rest of the summer, because we could end up not talking to each other for the rest of our lives." Dipper said, wiping away some tears.

"Dipper, look at me." Mabel said firmly.

Dipper looked up at his sister with his face all red.

"That'll never happen bro-bro." Mabel said softly.

"How do you know that?" Dipper asked, looking back down at the ground.

"Cause we're the mystery twins..." Mabel said lifting Dipper's chin up, "and I've already forgiven you."

Dipper wiped away more of his tears, "You mean it?"

She nodded. "Awkward sibling hug?" she asked while spreading out her arms.

"Sincere sibling hug." Dipper answered with his arms spreading out as well.

"Pat, pat." they said, sealing the deal.

"Sooo, are you guys gonna eat your pancakes or not?" Grunkle Stan yelled from the kitchen.

"Obviously!" Mabel said as they both walked back into the kitchen.


After breakfast, it was time to start work at the Mystery Shack.

It was nice to see that the Pines twins had made up and were talking again.

Everyone was chatting (even though Grunkle Stan had told them to get back to work) when Dipper suddenly realized what time it was.

"Oh geez, it's already 3!" Dipper thought to himself.

"Um, guys?" Dipper asked politely.

"Yeah dude?" Soos asked.

"What's up?" Wendy added.

"I... 'think of something fast!' have a small headache." Dipper lied

"I'm gonna take a walk for a bit."

"Alright then." Wendy said, "But don't stay out too long or Stan is gonna notice that you're not working!"

"Don't worry." Dipper assured, "I'll be back in no time!"

Dipper didn't actually know what time he would be back, but hopefully his training would be quick.

"Ok!" Mabel said waving, "Bye Dipper!"

"Oh yeah! Mabel I forgot!" Dipper suddenly turned around.

He gave Mabel the journal.

"You can use it any time." he said, "I trust you."

"Thanks Dipper." she said, holding it tight.

"See you guys later!" Dipper said while walking out of the shack.

He closed the door and sighed.

"Alright Bill," he said, turning around and looking at the forest, "where are you taking me?"

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