Chapter 9

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"You're what?" Bill asked

"I'm grounded, which is short for 'I can't leave the Mystery Shack for a week'."


"Geez relax, it could've been two weeks, but thankfully you taught me how to teleport today so that saved an extra hour coming home. And I was gone for FIVE HOURS Bill! I didn't even notice I was gone that long until I came back."

"So what you're saying is... you can't come to training for the rest of the week?"


"Ugh, your uncle just HAD to play this the hard way. Doesn't he know that he's endangering himself by keeping you inside?"

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked a little nervously.

Bill sighed, "Without proper training, your powers could go off at any moment with, lets say, a slight mood change."

"Which basically means..."

"It basically means your a ticking time bomb Pine Tree. If you get a little too happy, or just a little scared, you could blow the roof off the Mystery Shack, literally." Bill explained.


Dipper then looked at his hands in fear. His eye then became a darker shade of yellow and his pupil contracted into a thinner slit.

"I don't want that to happen... Bill you have to do SOMETHING so I can continue my training!"

"I'll see what I can do Pine Tree, but you need to calm down cause you're still just as much as a bomb in your sleep."

"Alright, alright." Dipper said, calming himself down as his eye slowly turned back to a lighter shade of yellow and his pupil become a little rounder.

"Good night Pine Tree." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"'Night Bill."

========3:00 PM The Next Day======

Dipper was sweeping up the floor at the Mystery Shack when he suddenly noticed what time it was.

"I wonder what Bill did to get me out of here." Dipper thought, as he swept the floor and accidentally dropped one of Stan's phony artifacts.


Dipper bent down to pick it up when he suddenly heard a not so pleasant voice calling for him.

"DIPPER!" Grunkle Stan called out.

"It was an accident!" Dipper responded, shaking in fear while holding a figurine of a horse with a fish head.

"Whoa kid, calm down." Stan said as he gestured his arms for Dipper to calm down.

"I just wanted to tell you that- HEY! Watch the merchandise!" Stan yelled, pointing at at the figurine in Dipper's hand.

Dipper looked at his hand and saw that the object was melting into goo.

"Oh no," Dipper thought, "I need to calm down."

Dipper placed the, now melted, horse-fish back on display and casually put his hands in his pockets.

"What were you saying Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked a little nervously.

"Wha- oh right! I found out about a small camp in the newspaper that says it will one hundred percent discipline your child. Now, I don't know what discipline means and you're not exactly my child, but something tells me that you should go there after yesterday's fiasco. So what do you say kid?"

"Seriously, this is all Bill could think of?" Dipper thought.

"Fine, I'll go." Dipper said in an annoyed tone to seem uninterested.

"Alright, it starts at three and ends at eight, so get your butt out the door before I change my mind!" Stan yelled while pushing Dipper out of the door.

"Alright, alright I'm going. Bye Mabel!" Dipper called out to his sister who was working the cashier.

"Bye Dipp- oh wait I need to give you something!" Mabel quickly rushed upstairs and came back with the journal.

"I looked through it all afternoon yesterday, and I couldn't find anything that could really help me, so you can have it back." Mabel said while giving the journal to Dipper.

Dipper looked at the journal and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable holding it.

"You- you can hold on to it Mabel." Dipper said, quickly giving it back to her

Mabel was confused, "Wha-"

"Ok, bye guys!" Dipper said as he slammed the door behind him.

Dipper sighed of relief, snapped his fingers and he was now at the entrance of the cave.

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