OPM/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 6: Initiation Continues

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{AN: Hey everyone! Welcome back to another chapter of The Strongest Hero's Student, before the chapter starts I just wanna ask you guys if my chapters are a little long for you guys or if it's just fine the way it is, and also we are only 3k away from 10k reads which is really insane when this story is only just getting started, so I want to thank all of you for the support of this story and taking the time out of your day to read this story of mine, anyway that's all I have to say for now, let the chapter begin.}


Third Person POV



Y/N was currently in the air and passed through multiple trees as he broke some of them, he then landed on the ground making a loud noise which could be heard all around Beacon forest as the huge crater he created was now below him. Y/N then dusted himself off and started to make his way to this temple that Ozpin was talking about and maybe try to find somebody along the way.

After Y/N's impressive feat a moment ago, the other first years were now getting launched into the air as well.

Ruby has now landed on the ground and started to go into a sprint with one thought on her mind.

"Gotta find Yang. Gotta find Yang, Gotta find Yang." Ruby desperately repeated.

"Yaaaaang! Yaaaaang!" Ruby called out in hopes of finding her sister.

"Ugh this is bad, this is really bad! What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first?" Ruby panicked as she dreaded the thought at being paired up with somebody she didn't know or probably wouldn't get along with.

"There's always Jaune...he's nice, he's funny, but I don't think he's that good in a fight though. Oh! What about Blake? So mysterious, so calm, plus she likes books! Well, then again, I'm not sure I'll be able to hold a conversation with her. *Shakes her head* Ugh! Okay....who else do I know in this school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, and....Oh Yeah! Y/N! He's nice and he's also pretty strong as well. Okay that settles it I'll find Y/N and then I'll find Yan-" Ruby then got interrupted out of her thoughts when she looked up and used her feet to come to a complete stop as she was about to run into somebody.

Ruby then slowly looked at who she came into eye contact with, which was Weiss who was blankly looking at Ruby for few seconds. Then Weiss turned her heel and started to walk away from her.

"Wait! Where are you going!? We're supposed to be teammates..." Ruby said, now feeling a little dejected.

Weiss was now currently passing through some leaves, as she muttered a few grunts of pain as she pushed them out of the way. Then Weiss heard a voice as she looked up and saw Jaune stuck in a tree as he'd tried to free himself.

"Ugh come on you stupid urg....come on." Jaune mumbled, he then saw Weiss as he laughed nervously that she saw him in this predicament and waved at her. Weiss then immediately left which Jaune groan in disappointment.

"By no means does this makes us friends." Weiss stated, as she walked back to Ruby and dragged her by the cape.

"You came back!" Ruby said happily.

"Hey, wait! Come back! Who's gonna get me down from here?" Jaune called out to the leaving pair.

"Jaune?" Pyrrha calls out to him, as Jaune looked down at the spartan.

"Do you...have any spots left on your team?" Pyrrha asked with a teasing smile.

"Very funny." Jaune said, as he cross his arms and away from her but couldn't stay mad at her as he turned to smile at her as well.

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