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I never saw myself standing at my father-in-laws funeral, dressed in all black, next to a husband and who doesn't seem to have care in the world for me

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I never saw myself standing at my father-in-laws funeral, dressed in all black, next to a husband and who doesn't seem to have care in the world for me.

Yet here I am, still walking by his side and as much as it would please me to leave him, I didn't.

I clutched the rosary in my hand when a man from the crowd starts yelling. "Stop it! You all know he was a tyrant! He ruined anyone that got in his way!"

"Stop pretending! You know what he was!" He continued to shout when Piero rushes at the stranger. "You liar! Liar!"

Lorenzo grabbed Piero and pried him off the man and kept him back.

Now we all sat in a row, together, as the priest spoke in regards to my father-in-law. "What the people of Florence owe Giovanni de' Medici, they could never repay in gold. The Lord blessed his family with great wealth. Yet he acted not from greed, but from conviction. The conviction that wealth was not to be hoarded by the few, but used to provide for the many."

I see Marco Bello in my peripheral vision, he crouches down and whispers words into my husband's ear that I can't hear.

I look at Cosimo's face and he shows nothing to give away what was said to him. I let out a small sigh and focus back on the priest. "That power was not to be used to enrich the strong, but to raise up the weak."


I stood in front of the window, watching the storm rage outside. I hear the rest of the family enter the dining area.

I heard Piero sniffle slightly. "Piero, are you quite all right?" Piccarda, his grandmother, asks.

"I'm fine, Grandmother," he responds silently. "Then stop making a spectacle of yourself with those tears. Your grandfather would want you to show strength."

There was silence for a moment then they all started sitting down at the table while I remained standing and staring at the rain. "Where is my son?"

"He went out this morning," I answered, but of course that is not the response she sought out. "I asked, where is he?"

I inhaled a deep breath to try and calm myself down at the snappy tone she sent my way. Lorenzo spoke up. "He has a meeting, Mother. Marco Bello's gone to find him."

"Missing dinner," She grumbled out. "His father's not been in the grave one day, and already he neglects his family. Hmm."

Piccarda starts to aggressively stab at the meat on the table with a knife and puts it on her plate.


I stood at that window for a while until I finally saw him. I grabbed a lit candle and walk towards the door protecting the candle so it wouldn't blow out.

He dismounted and tied up his horse then walked inside the house and past me. "I've been concerned about you, Cosimo."

"I'm fine," he responded simple and continued to walk.

I put down the lit candle gently and followed after him. "You vanished for hours. What happened this afternoon with Marco Bello and Lorenzo?"

He turned towards me and paused for a moment then sat down and started to undo his shoes. "Nothing of important."

I let out a sigh through my nose and rolled my eyes slightly at his reluctance to tell me anything. "There has always been a distance between us, Cosimo. But I have been a good and loyal wife for these many years. And now you bear a heavy burden."

I take a breath and watch as he just continues to undo his ties on his shoes. "The weight of this family, this bank, this republic."

I slowly walk towards him and place my hand gently on his fast working hands cause him to stop. "It would be enough to break another man. If you would allow me, I could help to possibly lessen it."

I grabbed and held his rough hands softly with my own and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. He stares back and put his other hand on top of mine that covers his and pushes it away, going back to his shoes.

I close my eyes and swallow, I turn away from him and walk away obviously not being wanted near him.


I sat with Piero, trying to calm him down from the rumors of war that was starting to circulate.

I hear the doors open and see Cosimo walkthrough with his brother and others. "Father!"

We stand and walk towards Cosimo, I stand beside Piero with my arm resting in his arm. "Is it true there will be war?"

"It is possible," he answers in a grave tone.

"Piero was meant to go with you today, to see you take your father's seat in the Signoria," I remind my husband.

"It's time I started working with you," Piero boldly says while staring intently at his father.

Cosimo looks between me and Piero. "Is there nothing else you dream of being, other than a banker?"

"It's what Grandfather wished. Is it not?" Piero questions, following his father's eyes and looks towards me.

Cosimo looks at Piero with a small sigh and pats his shoulder then ruffles his hair slightly. He walks away and I rush to follow him. "He is your heir."

"I do not need to be reminded," Cosimo retorts.

"He is brilliant," I push.

"He has a mind for books, not for the affairs of men," Cosimo continues to argue.

"At least give him a chance," I plead. "You were his age when you started learning from your father, so why can't he start."

"Piero is not me," he mutters, he turns away and walks up the stairs.

"Piero is not me," he mutters, he turns away and walks up the stairs

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