Chapter 1

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I came rushing down the stairs, holding the skirt of my dress

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I came rushing down the stairs, holding the skirt of my dress. I saw one of the ladies that works around the home on the stairs, she looks up at me. "Madonna."

The pounding on the door was loud and aggressive causing my heart to speed up. "What's going on?"

"There are men at the door," she informs me cause me to furrow my eyebrows. "Where are the guards?"

"Showing the mercenaries. Shall I find Messer Cosimo?" She asks.

I give a small shake of my head. "No, I'll deal with this."

I begin to take off all my jewelry and hand them to her, tossing my long hair back as I rush towards the man and maid trying to hold the door. "Get out of the way!"

I move in front of the door and stand between them and the three people behind me. "What is it that you need, Messer?"

"We have come to search the house, Madonna! Step aside!" He orders me.

I give him a unamused look and stay where I am. "Search? Whatever for?"

"There's no work to be found and we're hungry!" Giudice exclaims.

I turn my head towards the ladies. "Go to the kitchen. Have the cook brine these men some food."

"It's not food we're looking for!" Girolamo insists.

My lips tighten in a thin line. "This is
Not a bank. If it is gold you want, go there."

"There are guards at the bank!" Giudice retorts back.

"Move aside, Madonna. We don't want to hurt you," Girolamo threatens.

I move back and lift my chin up at them, glaring. "Wouldn't it be more simpler to just ask me where the gold is to be found?"

"If you please," Girolamo says.

I walk out towards the streets and gesture sideways with my head. "The mint."

"The mint?" Giudice asks.

"There are 54 grains of gold in a florin. The last of ours are being used to strike new coins as we speak," I exclaims simply and they both give me a look of utter confusion. "You're de Girolamo, aren't you not? The weaver. And you're del Giudice, the mason."

The both don't speak and continue to look elsewhere and try to avoid my eyes. "If you ransack this house, rest assured the Gonfaloniere will hear of it. Do you really wanna face prison for a pointless search?"

I glance at the two men and they continue to stand in silence, I give a affirming not and walk back into my home. "Wait outside, Messer. The cook will bring you food."

Me and one of the maids close the doors and clock the door behind us. She lets out a sigh of relief and follows after me. "What good fortune that the gold is at the mint."

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