"Okay, class. Turn to page 53..." Mr. Romero gave the class instructions before going back to his desk and letting them get to work.
Savannah immediately turned to Nick after turning to the right page in her textbook. But instead of starting the work, she shuffled her chair closer to his and turned to the back of her notebook, placing it on his desk. Nick raised his eyes to hers and raised an eyebrow in question. "Play tic-tac-toe with me," She stated simply, drawing the grid in the top left corner of her page.
Nick's lips twitched, threatening to break out into a smile. But still, his face remained flat as he picked up his pen, drawing a small cross in the middle square. Savannah grinned and drew a small circle in one of the corner boxes. The game continued for a few moments, before eventually, Nick got three crosses in a row.
Savannah looked up at Nick, her lips falling into a pout. Nick's gaze dropped to her lips, his icy grey eyes swirling with amusement. "I totally let you win," She muttered, shuffling her chair even closer to his desk as she drew up another grid, "I'm not going easy on you this time,"
Once again, Nick won. Savannah pouted again, looking up at Nick from beneath her lashes. "Can't you just let me win, Nicky?"
"Sorry, Van," Nick murmured, looking down at her with a teasing glint in his eyes.
Savannah huffed, moving her chair back towards her desk, "Fine then, I guess I'll just- ah!" Savannah squealed as her chair was suddenly tugged back towards Nick. She looked down, finding his hand firmly wrapped around the leg of her chair, pulling her back to him. When he let go of her chair, Savannah looked up and saw that she was even closer to Nick now, her chair right beside his.
Savannah looked up at Nick from beneath her lashes, staring into his piercing grey eyes. "You want me to sit this close to you?" Nick nodded stiffly, looking away from her and drawing another tic-tac-toe grid on the page. She grinned, leaning closer to draw a circle in the middle of the grid. "Fine, but you have to go easy on me this time,"
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