My Arrival

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I walked into the Smash Brothers building full of anxiety and excitement. I was always told that if I worked hard enough, I would be able to make it into the samsh series.

I just never thought I would ever actually make it here. And why me of everyone from my game? Oh well, i'm here and all that I have to worry about is maki g friends and training.

"Hi you must be the kid from Xenoblade. I'm Master Hand, the main instructor. With me I have Crazy Hand, who is in charge of parties and tournaments, and Tabuu, who is in charge or room and board"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shulk" I respond with a smile.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you young man, now if you will please follow me to my office, I have paperwork for you" the giant glove said floating toward the door of this ginormous building.

I followed it and as soon as I passed the threshold of the front doors, I was overwhelmed with the scent of sweat, blood, and other bodily fluids. We entered the main office and I saw another glove but the fingers were always figiting. I guess that's Crazy Hand.

We kept walking and then went passed a blueish figure with multicolored wings, and I guess this is Tabuu. We entered Master Hand's office and I saw piles upon piles of papers.

He handed me only a 3 page packet which I filled out and handed back in less than 15 minutes.

"I trust you will be happy while you stay with us, you will be rooming with Little Mac, whom is new as well. I will get you guys a tour group that I know will help you guys the most. Until then, be off" Master Hand said scooting me out of his office.

I exited the office and was almost  immediately greeted by a small winged boy. He had on a white toga and had shaggy brown hair with matching eyes. His outfit made me assume he was an angel of sorts.

"Hi I'm Pit!" He said with this huge goofy smile.

"Nice to meet you I'm..."

"Shulk, I know. It's not everyday we get someone knew to join our family" pit said with his still huge smile.

"Are you part of the tour group?" I asked hoping I wasn't too pushy.

"Yeah, I'm still waiting for the rest of thrm, but since they can't fly, we may be here for a couole of minutes" he said looking toward the stairs.

"I'm rooming with Little Mac, and my bags are kind if heavy, can you shiw me to my room?" I asked dropping my bags to the floor.

He nodded and landed, I guess it was so I could keep up. He walked me to an elevator and pushed floor #18. We keot talking about the people here and each of our backgrounds.

The elevator hit floor 18 and we both stepped off. I saw that the hallways were beautifully decorated. Oil paintigs and expensive columns, lining the walls. We got to room 18E and I put my jey card in the lock. It opened and I stepped inside.

I heard a skund and went to go see what it was. It turns out that my roomate had just gotten here. A little bit before me.

"You must be Little Mac, hi, I'm Shulk" I said extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you, and yeah, but you can call me Mac" He said with a smile.

Is everyone here always so happy? Or is this just because I'm new? Either way it was kind of weird.

"Pit, there you are. We're supposed to be a tour group"

"I'm sorry, Shulk just really wanted to go to his room" he said.

"Please wait next time"

These voices were coming from outside the room. I poked my head out to see a blhe haired man and a blonde one talking to Pit.

"Hi, you must be Shulk. I see you've already met Pit. I'm Marth, and this is Link" he said pointing the elf boy behind him.

"Nice to meet you both" I said.

"Is this the bit of fresh meat we have to guide around?" I heard someone say behind me.

"Yes Ike, but only for a few days"  Marths aid in a calming voice.

So in the tour grouo we have Pit, Ike, Marth, Link, and myself. This should prove to be interesting seeing as how they're all attractive and I'm gay.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is chapter one. This will be a who will he end up with  kind of story with mutiple endings. In each ending Shulk will pick a different person from the tour group. I might do dates and stuff with each person, but I have to make it fot that person's personality. Until next time, bye!


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