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Third P.O.V
"It's quiet"Liyah sighed before koyal came from under the covers

"Do you want me to stop"he asked breathing heavily before Liyah smiled kissing his lips

"No, but something feels wrong"she sighed standing up and wrapping her hair up with her Satain scarf

"Baby for the first time in forever we are happy, no worries and you think something is wrong"koyal asked before Liyah shook her head

"I'm telling you something is wrong I feel it in my heart"Liyah pleaded before koyal started to take steps towards the door

"Babe please, you have to believe me"liyah pleaded before walking out of the room and into the living room pacing back and forth before sudden cramps attacked her stomach as she hunched over in abdominal pain as water fell onto the floor

"Koyal, water just came out of my kooter kat"Liyah yelled before koyal came out laughing

"Kooter kat?-oh crap"he said realizing what Liyah just said before running into everyone's room

"Guys Liyah water broke"koyal yelled as people came walking out of their rooms rubbing their eyes as Liyah sat down laughing

"Well let's go dang it"koyal said jerking Liyah up and dragging her and the bags to the door as the car was being pulled up and Mia came out holding the twins

"Where's Gia"Liyah asked biting her lip as the contractions hit but not showing it

"I don't know the twins slept in my room"Mia sighed before Aless helped her in the car

"Damn it I'll go look for her"koyal growled getting out of the car and running into the house

"She won't stay in for long"Liyah groaned before checking her vagina

"I'm only 2 centimeters dialated"

"Baby"koyal whispered handing Liyah a paper looking sad before turning to Aless and Mia

"We have to go get her"Liyah said raising her voice frantically searching the car as if gia would appear out of no where before re reading the letter drowning everyone out

'If your seeing this, it means by the time you reach me I'll be dead. Don't be sad, this is my choice. I know it's selfish but what's life without a purpose and this was mine. I can't express how happy I am with my decision to end my life at the expense of destroying out enemies as well. For my beautiful boys I have no doubt they will grow up to be the most loved they could be. On the back of this paper I have attached 3 letters. One to my boys, another for liyah and koyal, and lastly a letter made out to mia and Aless with adoption papers attached

Read it when your ready, but please don't be sad. Be glad my death means more than my worthless life

Love ,Gia'

"We have to go get her koyal"liyah cried before koyal took the papers from her and handing them to aless

"I have to go get her. You have to get to the hospital" koyal said emphasizing the word I before pressing his forehead against Liyah's as Rosalie got in the drivers seat

"Promise me you'll bring her back"Liyah whimpered before koyal turned away

"I can't do that" he retorted before breana and him walked to another car

"What's the plan" breana asked as they got in the second vehicle

"We try our best to bring Gia home safe"koyal said with quivering in his voice

"And if if that doesn't work brother"

"She'll die, and it'll be our fault"

"Alright, I want you all to bring back my sister in law, safe and sound. There's three entrances to the warehouse including the underground one. Breana will take the underground way and the rest of you are at the top with me"Koyal announced as they sat on the jet trying to race against time itself to save Gia

"I don't care what you all say"Liyah yelled as she walked back and forth in her hospital gown holding on to her I.V stand

"Liyah if you don't cooperate, your daughter will be born on the ground and you both will be at risk of dying"The doctors explained before Liyah laughed

"I don't give a rats booty what you or anyone says, koyal will be here to see the birth of our daughter"Liyah declared before Sofia rubbed her back as she hissed in pain

"Your 7 centimeters dilated Baby"reina pleaded before Liyah shook her head

"And until I'm 10 I will not sit down"Liyah said as Reina nodded and looked up

"You heard my baby, this isn't up for debate"she said as the doctor sighed before walking out of the room as Liyah gave a weak smile as she continued to pace

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