You're sick

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Y/n and Jonathan been together since 2 months now. The Next Day when Y/n woke up, she didn't feel good.

Y/n's POV
I woke up and my throat was hurting, my head started to hurt already, I get up and got ready for school, I can't miss school today, I have a test today, I got in the bathroom, I was also sweaty. I got dressed, I took some medicine, I grabbed some ginger ale and drunk it. I grabbed my jacket, I walk out of the door, I already got to school, I saw Jonathan waiting for me, he saw me and smiled and walked up to me

Jonathan: Hey babe.
Me: Hey...
Jonathan: Are you okay?
Me: Yea- (coughs)
Jonathan: No you're not. Are you sick?
Me: No.
Jonathan: Baby, you don't have to lie.
Me: I-I'm not.
Jonathan: You stutter when you lie.
Me: Fine I'm sick. But I'll be alright.
Jonathan: At least let me take care of you when we go home.
Me: Okay. Fine.

He tried wrapped his arms around me, but I stopped him, he looked at me confused

Me: Babe, I don't want you to get sick.
Jonathan: I don't care. I love you and I'm going to take care of you.
Me: Aww, babe.
Jonathan: Let's go to Math Class.

He kissed my forehead, then we went to math class, a few minutes, I was almost done with my test, but then I feel like throwing up, Mrs. Diaz looked at me concerned

Mrs. Diaz: Y/n, are you okay?
Me: Yeah. I'm fine. I'll be right back.
Mrs. Diaz: Y/n!

I ran in the bathroom, I found a opened shall, I threw up on the toilet, I coughed a little

Jonathan's POV
Y/n and I went to math class, we got started on our test, I looked at Y/n around the corner, Mrs. Diaz asked if she was okay, she ran out the class, I raised my hand

Mrs. Diaz: Yes, Jonathan?
Me: Can I go check on Y/n?
Mrs. Diaz: Yes you may.
Me: Thank you.

I walked out of the classroom, I stand by the ladies room, waiting Y/n. I hate seeing my babygirl in pain, she walked out of the bathroom, I pulled her close to me, she softly hugged back

Me: Do you want to go home, baby?
Y/n: Yes. But I need to do my test.
Me: You can do it later. Right now, I'm going to take you home.
Y/n: Okay.

We walked back in and Mrs. Diaz gave us a pass, we went to the principal office and they make me and Y/n go home. I walked Y/n home, we arrived to her house, I laid her down on her couch

Me: Do you want anything? Soup? Medicine? Cough Drop?
Y/n: Can you get me some soup?
Me: Sure. Wait, where are your parents?
Y/n: They're at vacation. They won't be back until 2 weeks.
Me: Oh. I'm kinda scared of your dad.
Y/n: He's not that scary.
Me: Anyway, I'm getting your soup.

I went in Y/n's kitchen, I warmed up her soup, when I heard the microwave beep, I grabbed the soup and went back in the living room and Y/n's watching Pinky and the Brain, I smiled, she looks so adorable, she looked at me and smiled a little, I handed her the soup

Y/n: I look like shit.
Me: No you don't, babygirl.
Y/n: I hate being sick.
Me: It's okay, baby. I'm here for you.
Y/n: This soup is so good.

I gave her a smile, I sat next to her, I watched Pinky and the Brain with her. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close, I kissed her forehead

Y/n: Thank you for being there for me, baby.
Me: No problem, beautiful.
Y/n: You're the best boyfriend ever.
Me: And you're the best girlfriend ever.

I leaned in to kiss her but she backed away, I looked at her with an 'are you serious' way

Y/n: Babe, I don't wanna get you sick.
Me: I don't care. Can I at least give you a peck?
Y/n: (sighs) Fine. But if you get sick, I'm taking care of you.
Me: Deal.

I pecked Y/n's kissable lips, she pecked mine back, I smiled down at her, she laid her head on my chest, I started to play with her hair, I heard her little cute snores, I smiled and kissed her forehead

Me: I love you, baby.

I started to fall asleep, I cuddled with Y/n

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