Time of the month

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Imagine: You waking up, you felt the familiar pain in your stomach, you realized you're on your period

Y/n's POV
I woke up with a familiar pain in my stomach, I groaned, I went to the bathroom, my underwear was filled with blood, I'm on my period, I took a quick shower, I got ready for school, I ran downstairs and I grabbed a granola bar, I walked out the door, I made it to school, I took some Ibuprofen, I felt two arms around my waist, I punched him and it was my boyfriend Jonathan, I gasped, he kept groaning

Me: Oh my god. I'm sorry, baby.
Jonathan: What the hell, Y/n?!
Me: I said I'm sorry!
Jonathan: Wait, what's wrong?
Me: Nothing. I need to go to the store after school.
Jonathan: I'll come with you.
Me: It's fine. You don't have to.
Jonathan: Babe, is it the time of the month?
Me: Yes.
Jonathan: I'm sorry to hear that.
Me: It's not your fault.

I walked to class with Jonathan, I feel blood coming in my jeans, I froze, I raised my hand up, Mrs. Jenkins sighs, I know this teacher doesn't like me

Mrs. Jenkins: Yes, Y/n?
Me: Can I go to the bathroom?
Mrs. Jenkins: Why didn't you go before class?
Me: Because I didn't have to go. What do you mean?
Mrs. Jenkins: You can't go, Y/n.
Me: I don't give a fuck! I'm going to the goddamn bathroom! I don't give a shit if you call my damn parents!

I grabbed my backpack and ran to the bathroom, I fixed my problem

Jonathan's POV
I was surprised that Y/n cursed out Mrs. Jenkins, it's the time of the month for Y/n, I saw the door open and it was Y/n, Mrs. Jenkins gave her a pass, Y/n went to the office, the bell ring and I went to the principal office to find Y/n, Principal Wilson walked up to me

Principal Wilson: Can I help you, Mr. Brandis?
Me: Yes. Where's Y/n L/n?
Principal Wilson: She's in the health office.
Me: Thank you.

I walked to the health office, I saw Y/n sobbing quietly, I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, she hugged me back

Me: I'm sorry, baby.
Y/n: It's not your fault.
Me: Do you still wanna go to the store after school?
Y/n: I can't. My mom's picking me up right now.
Me: Oh.
Y/n: I'm sorry.
Me: It's okay. It's not your fault, babygirl.

I pulled Y/n into a hug, her head was on my chest, I kissed her forehead, then Principal Wilson walked in

Principal Wilson: Y/n, your mother's here, dear.
Y/n: Okay. Bye, babe.
Me: Bye, baby. I'll come over later.
Y/n: Okay. Love you.
Me: I love you too.

I pressed my lips on hers and she kissed back, Principal Wilson cleared her throat, we pulled away, I walked to my next class

Y/n's POV
My mom was disappointed in me, we arrived home, she didn't talk to me all day, I put my backpack down, went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower, when I was done, I put on my pjs on, I went downstairs and ate my dinner, then went upstairs, I heard a knock on the window, I looked out and it was Jonathan, I opened the window

Jonathan: Hey baby.
Me: Hey, what are you doing here? My dad's here.
Jonathan: I don't care. I love you and I wanna take care of you, bub.
Me: Awww...you're adorable.
Jonathan: I'm adorable? You're pretty.
Me: Stop.
Jonathan: I'm not joking. You also look hot when your hair's wet.

I giggled at Jonathan's comment, I pressed my lips on his' and he kissed me back, it turned into a make out session, he slides his tongue in my mouth, I moaned, I tugged his hair, he groaned, he grabbed me and placed me to the bed and got on the top of me, he started to kiss my neck, I moaned softly, I heard him groaning, I bit my lip, he got up and kissed my lips, then we pulled away, we were panting

Jonathan: I love you.
Me: I love you too, babe.
Jonathan: Oh, I got something for you.
Me: What is it?

Jonathan pulled out a bag and it was candy and my favorite movie, I gasped, I looked at him and wrapped my arms around him, he hugged me back

Me: Thank you, baby. What can I replay you?
Jonathan: How about more kisses and cuddles Saturday night?
Me: Deal.
Jonathan: I gotta go. I told my mom I'll be home an hour.
Me: Okay. I love you.
Jonathan: I love you too, babygirl.

He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back, he wrapped his arms around my waist, we pulled away, Jonathan climbed out of the window, I got sleepy, so my eyes shut down

Jonathan Brandis imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now