the beginning

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It was a cool, summer evening. The leaves on the trees starting to turn amber. Signaling the coming of autumn. The grass was wet with dew, gently dripping off their blades. The trees creaked in the wind, their wood frame showing signs of wear after standing sturdy for so many years. Inside a log cabin, there was a family. They had been there for quite some time yet they were still happy. There was the daughter, a carefree spirit who would often get into mischief. She could often be found in her room, making something. Sometimes it was a painting. Other times her parents would catch her making a contraption to prank her dear brother. She gets in trouble quite often for this. There was a son, a shy and timid boy with a fond love for nature. He could often be found wandering the family garden, examining different bugs and creatures. Sometimes he would simply watch them. Other times he would try to touch them. This often led to him being hurt from bug bites, bee stings and others. Now the parents. The parents of this household were special. One was a once renowned magician, known throughout the land. They could cure any ailment and heal any injury. Which came in quite handy when their son tried to approach a raccoon one day. But one of their most popular spells...the spell that made their name be whispered in every city and town from here to the far reaches of the ocean...was the spell to bring people back from the dead. They have never used this spell unless absolutely necessary. For this spell cuts into their own life. To bring someone back from the dead is frowned upon by the gods. The punishment used to be that the caster of the spell would have to die in their place. But the gods have since become more forgiving. The gods have a better understanding of loss and grief. Now the caster has to give up a few years of their life to bring back the person they hold dear. Thus the magician has only used this spell once. And it was for their partner. You see their partner wasn't normal either. They used to be known throughout the lands as well. But not for their magic. No, for something far more sinister. You see, they were a vampire. An elegant and enchanting human by day, but a ferocious and bloodlust beast by night. They are always thirsty for blood, never seeming to satiate their hunger. The vampire stalks the town forest at dusk. Hunting for it's prey. Now this vampire is unlike the rest. Much like there are humans who care nor for animal flesh, this vampire cares not for human blood. Rather they prefer the blood of animals. Deer, squirrels, mice, and other woodland creatures have fallen victim to their poised fangs. It's this alone that keeps the town from storming their home. During the day, they can be found watching over the garden. Tending to the numerous vegetables that grow fruitful during this time. Although garlic can not be found here due to vampires being highly allergic to such a plant. During night is when the vampire takes to the woods to hunt for their prey. Their lumbering frame stalking through the woods, their steps seeming to flow into the breeze. Leaving them unheard and invisible to the naked eye. This family was quite unique. And on this fine day, it was about to get even more so.

The vampire gently strolled through the family garden, checking for any bugs that have taken residence. They spotted their son sneaking up onto a small creature. The creature seemed to know the human was there as they ate the food layed upon the ground, even without looking at him. Alas this had become normal. The son would often leave carrots and other assortment of veggies for the creature as "bait" then lie in wait. The creature always seemed to escape with a full stomach and the son stayed empty handed. The vampire chuckled to themself, placing one hand on their hip as they watched the son's 2000th attempt. Of course, it ended like all the others. The creature got away with a full stomach and the son pouted. The vampire walked over and gently picked up his son.

"I have told you, william dear," the vampire giggled. "You can't tame that which is wild by nature".

The son, also know as william, sighed.

"But I want to keep it as a pet!"

"If you would like a pet that badly, let me talk to your father about it."

William nodded as the vampire softly carried him back into the cabin. The magician was with their daughter, drawing a picture on parchment paper with some charcoal. The magician looked up, smiling at his partner. He softly kisses his daughter on the forehand, standing and walking to the vampire. William sits next to the daughter, curiosity glistening in his eyes.

"What are you drawing, rosá?", he asked.

Rosá shrugged, letting her hand flow across the paper. William watched her, interested in her drawing. He looked up at his parents, who were softly chatting. William thought for a second before speaking?

"Hey papa?"

The magician looked over at him, gently smiling.

"Yes sweetie", he answered.

"Can you tell me the story of how you and dad met and found me and rosá?"

The magician blinked before his face went soft, thinking fondly of that moment where his whole life had seemed to change. He looked over at the vampire, who wore the same expression. The magician gently took the vampire's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together as he started speaking.

"The story of how we met and the story of how you both were brought into our lives is a long story. But i know you children love a good story. So yes. I can tell you this one. It happened 4 years ago...."

(Hey everyone! Hope you liked this first chapter. Let me know what you think below! Thanks for reading!)

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