∘ ∘ ∘ ∘

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"I'm lost, but I don't want to be found anyway"

We watched the dusk at the beach, sitting beside eachother.
I was staring at the red sun which was setting by the horizon.

"So beautiful." I mumbled.
"Indeed." You said staring at me.

I smiled as you leaned to kiss. You gently placed your palm on my jaw, kissing me slowly yet passionately.
So gentle. So soft.

We retreated still our forehead touching each other and eyes closed.

I looked at you, your eyes glowing of the light from the red sun.

You looked Ethereal.
As always.


We walked along the sea shore hand-in-hand for some time.

Forgetting the reality and in our own thoughts.

Silent words were exchanged,

Until we realised it was already night.

THAT NIGHT || Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now