Chapter 40: Danger

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No one's POV

Jeongyeon and Nayeon arrived infront of the house that Jimin told them to. Nayeon gripped Jeongyeon's hand.

"Don't worry, I'm here beside you." Jeongyeon gave Nayeon an assuring smile. They knocked on the door and was greeted by two other mans.

"Follow us." The guy on the right said. The couples follow the two upstairs. They knocked on a door and waited for Jimin to answer before coming in.

"Mommy!" Jayeon yelled as soon as he saw his parents enter the room he was tied up in a chair.

"Jayeon." Nayeon was about to run to Jayeon but was held by one of Jimin's men. "Let go of me!"

"Nayeon, nice to see you." Jimin said while smiling widely. "Taehyung-ssi it's not nice to treat our guests like that." The Taehyung guy let go of Nayeon.

"Give me back my son." Jeongyeon said sternly. He was holding Nayeon at his back.

"We meet again Yoo Jeongyeon." Jimin smirked at him

"Daddy! I don't want here anymore." Jayeon cried.

"Shut up you little rat!" Jimin yelled at Jayeon making him cry more

"Jimin he's just a child!" Jeongyeon said angrily.

"A child that always gets in the way!" Jimin replied back. "He's the reason why can't I get Nayeon for myself."

"I will never be yours Jimin!" Nayeon yelled.

"Then you won't have Jayeon as well." Jimin pointed the gun at Jayeon's head. "One wrong move, your son is a dead meat." Jayeon cried harder.

"Jimin, please." Nayeon pleaded.

"Just come with me Nayeon. We'll escape, leave this country. Have a new life in the states and I will leave Jayeon harmless." Jimin said while playing with the gun.

"You will never have her!" Jeongyeon yelled again.

"Then so be it." Jimin was about to pull the trigger when Nayeon spoke.

"No! Please don't! I'll come with you, just don't hurt them."

"Good girl." Jimin smirked. Nayeon was about to leave Jeongyeon's side when Jeong held her hand.

"Love, please no." Jeongyeon said with tears.

"I have to." Nayeon gave Jeongyeon a slight smile before walking to Jimin.

"Nayeon, don't do this!" Jeongyeon said as the 2 men hold him down.

"Let go of my son." Nayeon said sternly.

"Be patient, princess." Jimin said touching Nayeon's face, Nayeon just moved her face away. "Now thinking of it, it's not only Jayeon who's in the way."

"W-what do you mean?" Nayeon asked Jimin. Jimin signalled his boys to the something. They started to punch Jeongyeon but he didn't fought back. "No! No! Jimin stop it!"

"Just assuring princess that he won't get you away from me." Jimin said. Jeongyeon kicked the 2 men in their balls and give them a good punch. He ran into Jimin and tried to grab the gun away from him.

"Nayeon go! Get Jayeon away from here!" Jeongyeon said, struggling to get the gun.


"I said go!" Jeongyeon yelled that made Nayeon flinched. She went to Jayeon and untied him.

"Get up there you bastards!" Jimin yelled at his allies.

"Mommy" Jayeon hugged Nayeon as soon as he was untied.

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